Number of states in which you've done an OW swim event

Former Member
Former Member
While driving back to the hotel after the Chesapeake Bay Swim this past Sunday, we started talking about the different states in which we'd done open water swims. The criteria was that it had to be an organized event (not a workout and not just hopping in a lake). Oh, and it had to be a swim event; not a triathlon. I was allowed to count both Minnesota and Wisconsin because I did a swim where we started in Wisconsin and finished in Minnesota. Here is how many states are on my list. How many are on yours? This may be a good goal - to try to do an organized, open water event in every state! Arkansas Florida Illinois Kansas Maryland Minnesota Missouri Nebraska Texas Wisconsin ...and one territory: Puerto Rico
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    FL IN MD NJ NY PA TN VA VT Hoping to add ND and MN next month. I am waiting to see response from swimthegoodfight. I have a feeling his list is a long one.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    FL IN MD NJ NY PA TN VA VT Hoping to add ND and MN next month. I am waiting to see response from swimthegoodfight. I have a feeling his list is a long one.
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