Swimming Stereotypes

Former Member
Former Member
Equipment Rep Trains with every piece of equipment available at all times. The Luddite Trains with nothing. Only uses a loin cloth and goggles in workout. The Barnacle Leaves right on your feet. Couldn't count to five or ten if his life depnded on it. The Coach Not an actual coach, but someone who is consumed with technique. Swimming is a precise set of moves that can be broken down, categorized, and scientifically analyzed. The Jaded Could care less about technique. Just wants to swim and leave the analysis to the eggheads. The Swimaholic Trains at least 10 swimming workouts a week. Anything less is viewed as not trying. Fast Guy who Never Trains Shows up once a month and breaks national records in practice. Hardest Working Man in the Swim Business Trains like a ferocious animal in workout, but has no speed when it comes to racing. Lane Guy Works out in a lane that is far too fast or slow for him. The Crack Guy Dude, pull your swimsuit up or get a bigger size. The Newbie Shows up to practice in board shorts and a scuba mask. _________________ As for myself, I would fall into the categories of Luddite and Jaded. Also, I wrote this from a male perspective, but the women are included as well. Any other stereotypes?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    Haven't posted in a LONG time but this brought me out of the catacombs. THE OLD SCHOOL EQUIPMENT GUY - shows up in a stars and stripes speedo complete with mustache and no cap. HIND WELLS Compy goggles (or Dara Torres style speedo goggles) and yellow speedo rectangular hand paddles. Hates those new falngled digital pace clocks and wishes we still had the plastic Omega Timing touch pads at meets. Talks incessantly about swimming for "Doc" at IU and how goggles changed his life in the sport of swimming.
  • The Gone Off the Deep End The stressed-out swimmer who has a hot temper reminiscent of Sonny Corleone from The Godfather. Comes to swim already wound up and is ready to take his stress out in the pool. Goes ballistic when he finds the pool not as he expected. Belittles lifeguards if the lane ropes aren't already in and screams at or runs over any noodler in the pool. Also carries a plastic thermometer to measure water temperature. Has been known to throw thermometer against the wall in a fit of rage when he discovers that the water temperature exceeds 81.
  • John Doe - Lap swimmer comes in, and swims for about an hour and leaves. Probably recognized by other regulars but doesn't really know anybody or speak to anyone except for a few guards that take the cash at the door to exchange a few polite words. STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND! :bolt:
  • The Sink Wetter-This is someone who comes to practice, hangs out in the locker room and wets his/her suit in the sink before their parents come to pick up them or does it to show their parents that they swam when they get home. Also, this person tends to dunk their head in the sink to show that they swam that night. The Grouch-This is a swimmer who has fast times(Senior Cuts), is about to get a full ride to college, is spoiled beyond belief but roams around with the Jennifer Anniston sour puuse.
  • THE HOTTIE COACH: 20 something ex-NCAA swimmer now masters coach that is so beautiful you forget your own name when you look at her. Every guy there has to get some face time with her before practice begins or they get real pissed. Her sets are brutal and long but you would rather die and sink to the bottom than disappoint her. The gals love her too because she is so nice. Will drive the men nuts by wearing skin tight spagetti strap tank top once a week. She can never bring her boyfriend or whatever to the pool or he would be killed and buried in the back.
  • ha ha loner too huh? that was my attempt to create a stereotype for myself. This is my year to join a masters team if I can find the time. I'm afraid I fit this stereotype as well.
  • The Locker Room Vandal This swimmer is a combination of the Postman and the Gone Off the Deep End. Like the Gone Off the Deep End, is easily angered. He is, however, like the Postman in that he can hold it all in while in public. What makes him unique is that instead of immediately reacting to whatever has made him angry, he waits until he gets into the locker room and literally does go postal - slamming lockers, breaking soap dishes, throwing swim equipment, and kicking bottles of shampoo. A typical scenario is when he swims a race and gets DQed for some questionable infraction. Instead of letting the "F" word fly in front of the official, throwing his cap and goggles, or letting his disappointment show to his teammates, he waits until he gets into the locker room and explodes.
  • The Locker Room Vandal This swimmer is a combination of the Postman and the Gone Off the Deep End. Like the Gone Off the Deep End, is easily angered. He is, however, like the Postman in that he can hold it all in while in public. What makes him unique is that instead of immediately reacting to whatever has made him angry, he waits until he gets into the locker room and literally does go postal - slamming lockers, breaking soap dishes, throwing swim equipment, and kicking bottles of shampoo. A typical scenario is when he swims a race and gets DQed for some questionable infraction. Instead of letting the "F" word fly in front of the official, throwing his cap and goggles, or letting his disappointment show to his teammates, he waits until he gets into the locker room and explodes. I've seen this. It can be pretty scary if you have no idea it's coming. I remember near the end of a morning prelim session of a conference championship meet, multiple guys from one of our rivals burst into the rather small locker room, one of them going completely ape-$#!+, his teammates trying to keep him from killing anybody. Apparently their 400 free relay got DQ'd while I was getting dressed.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 15 years ago
    STOP FOLLOWING ME AROUND! :bolt: ha ha loner too huh? that was my attempt to create a stereotype for myself. This is my year to join a masters team if I can find the time.