I was just looking at the Olympic time line that Ande posted. Is the NBC timeline for Beijing or for the United States?
Will they show finals taped delayed here at night or at 10:00am?
Former Member
The link that Ande put up is really good....I played with it some last night.
go to the nbc site from this link, click on the TV&Online tab at the top, follow the instructions.....then when you get to the actual schedule you can put in the day you want to look at and the sport....it will give you local times for what you want to watch.....
Can somebody lend me a US (Eastern) ZIP code?
Or do they realize I'm a Canadian from my IP eh?
Our TV Guide shows swimming televised from 8PM to Midnight, which means that they must plan on showing taped prelims and heats followed by live finals.
If you look on the swimming schedule on the NBC website, there is a choice on the top right corner that allows you to select Beijing time or local time.
The link that Ande put up is really good....I played with it some last night.
go to the nbc site from this link, click on the TV&Online tab at the top, follow the instructions.....then when you get to the actual schedule you can put in the day you want to look at and the sport....it will give you local times for what you want to watch.....
Leonard go to that site and click on the TV&Online Listings tab.....then click on the on-line tab.....the first online stuff looks like it will be Sat....doesn't look like swimming is on there much.
I have MythTV with guide data from schedules direct.
The first hint of swimming I see on my schedule is 3:00 - 9:00 AM. It doesn't list the event, and in this 6 hour block there will also be soccer and volleyball.
edit: Here in Seattle I'm getting the olympics on CBUT (canadian station), MSNBC, USAP, CNBC, and King5
I only have 53 free gigabytes on my box, should be enough though. I can delete some old junk to make room.
I'm SOOO confused (that's nothing new).
But on the NBC TV schedule, there are circles with numbers in them.
Is that the time or the number of heats or WHAT?
I don't want to miss ANY swimming but can't find just one good TV schedule online.
East Coast is,I gather going to watch the main show from 8-12.Pacific zone viewers are also going to watch from 8-12.I guess that means that even though the swimming finals are going to be in the AM so they can be seen live,we're still getting tape delay:dunno: