Olympic TV schedule

Former Member
Former Member
I was just looking at the Olympic time line that Ande posted. Is the NBC timeline for Beijing or for the United States? Will they show finals taped delayed here at night or at 10:00am?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I have MythTV with guide data from schedules direct. The first hint of swimming I see on my schedule is 3:00 - 9:00 AM. It doesn't list the event, and in this 6 hour block there will also be soccer and volleyball. edit: Here in Seattle I'm getting the olympics on CBUT (canadian station), MSNBC, USAP, CNBC, and King5 I only have 53 free gigabytes on my box, should be enough though. I can delete some old junk to make room.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I have MythTV with guide data from schedules direct. The first hint of swimming I see on my schedule is 3:00 - 9:00 AM. It doesn't list the event, and in this 6 hour block there will also be soccer and volleyball. edit: Here in Seattle I'm getting the olympics on CBUT (canadian station), MSNBC, USAP, CNBC, and King5 I only have 53 free gigabytes on my box, should be enough though. I can delete some old junk to make room.
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