Olympic TV schedule

Former Member
Former Member
I was just looking at the Olympic time line that Ande posted. Is the NBC timeline for Beijing or for the United States? Will they show finals taped delayed here at night or at 10:00am?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    www.nbcolympics.com/.../galleryid=151101.html The link that Ande put up is really good....I played with it some last night. go to the nbc site from this link, click on the TV&Online tab at the top, follow the instructions.....then when you get to the actual schedule you can put in the day you want to look at and the sport....it will give you local times for what you want to watch..... Can somebody lend me a US (Eastern) ZIP code? Or do they realize I'm a Canadian from my IP eh?
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    www.nbcolympics.com/.../galleryid=151101.html The link that Ande put up is really good....I played with it some last night. go to the nbc site from this link, click on the TV&Online tab at the top, follow the instructions.....then when you get to the actual schedule you can put in the day you want to look at and the sport....it will give you local times for what you want to watch..... Can somebody lend me a US (Eastern) ZIP code? Or do they realize I'm a Canadian from my IP eh?
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