Finally the Forums are back

Hi everyone!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ok so I am having trouble navigating all this.  Are the old blogs gone?  I see threads in the "general swimming discussion" > "member generated workouts" section from years and years ago, but not sure where those got imported from?  And do we have a comprehensive easy to use "workout blog"/online workout log function?  I saw Jeff's attempts at a workout blog post and then his complaints further down about it not working very well...Someone give me a TL;DR on this.

  • Blogs are gone.  :-(  I can't remember when I started posting to my blog; it was at least 15 years ago I think.  With the short notice we were given that the blogs would not be transferred, I didn't have time to try to figure out how to save them.  Like you and Jeff, I am trying to post in the Member-Generated thread, but I'm not sure how well that is going to work.  Do I just post each new workout as a reply to my original post?

  • Yeah I realized I have a back up in the FLOGs.  I always copied and pasted my workouts into each FLOG entry.  Now the process of recovering all the workouts will be even more laborious, but at least I have a reference.  That is unless knows of someplace maybe where the stuff from the old forums is archived?  Maybe a way some us can privately access the old blogs to finish the copying jobs?  I estimated I still had 8-10 hours worth of work still to do to finish copying everything, and that was working A LOT on it, and I had a head start because I got the inside information that the forums were being moved anyways :/

  • Yeah I realized I have a back up in the FLOGs.  I always copied and pasted my workouts into each FLOG entry.  Now the process of recovering all the workouts will be even more laborious, but at least I have a reference.  That is unless knows of someplace maybe where the stuff from the old forums is archived?  Maybe a way some us can privately access the old blogs to finish the copying jobs?  I estimated I still had 8-10 hours worth of work still to do to finish copying everything, and that was working A LOT on it, and I had a head start because I got the inside information that the forums were being moved anyways :/
