what do you do for your work....i'm an electrician...
Former Member
Lainey, thanks, the school has already placed her in supported classrooms, so she is getting extra help. I never really knew what the school psychologist did until we started dealing with her issues. You have a lot on your platter.
One thing that has been a real positive for my daughter is to swim. She is not the best, very average, but she is proud of her swimming and it helps her in other areas. Get your kids swimming, it helps their school work!!!
Network Engineer/System Administrator
Company I work for deals with fingerprinting. When people are arrested now a days,their prints are scannned into my system then stored. Then for example, if at crime scene,and you have a latent lift (1 print), the examiner scans that print in and it then searches my database of hundredes of thousands of records multiplied by 10 if they have all fingers in a matter of minutes and comes back with matches. Yes, just like you see on the TV show CSI. A lot of pressure on keeping system running but not as much pressure as swimming the 200 fly :-)
I have one central site where the brains of operation are at then 5 remote sites tied into it, not to mention, its a 7x24 hr operation.
Overall, I love my career however, have been thinking recently of starting something up myself.
Oh, and my nightjob is swimming :-)
Regional Manager for a Technology Leasing and Integration company.
We work directly with mid-size companies and their business partners to streamline IT operations, reduce costs and improve business continuity. Most of our business is leasing technology and building IT infrastructure but we also provide short term rental and Disaster Recovery contracts.
Computer Analyst
Laineybug, as one who is having my 5th grader going through the testing process, I appreciate the hard work you are putting in. It is hard to deal with a child who is struggling and it was the psychologist who caught that she has an eye condition as part of her problem. Unfortunately, dealing with the eye problem pushed the testing back a year, which is why she still is struggling 3 years after I asked her to be tested. The psychologist has patiently explained again and again, the laws she has to follow to make sure my daughter gets the help she needs. She has done a good job working with my daughter and it will be interesting to see the results at the end of this month. My gut, she will test above the line and won't be aloud help!(I am preparing for the worse)
First I want to say a huge thank you for the positive comments about school psychologist. Too often a sch psych only sees a student a couple of times during the assessment progress and maybe once or twice after to assist in the transition and program development. We seldom get to see the growth and progress a student makes over the year that teachers see. In a way we never get to see the results of our psychological assessment, diagnosis and recommendations. Hearing from parents and students that we have made a difference is one of the most wonderful things in the world.
Cindy, it was horrific what was done to students back in the 60's. I'm not sure if Least Restrictive Environment was being 'enforced' back then. I'm sorry about your experience. It does sound like someone recognized the error. Everytime I recommend Special Education, whether it is for an intellectual, emotional or learning disability(or any of the other categories) I worry about whether this is truely the right thing to do for this student. I also ask myself, if this were my child what would I want? If you were diagnosed with ADHD today and needed remedial help or academic support to succeed, more than likely you would have received services through a program called Other Health Impaired.
Dorthy, I wish the best for your daughter... it sounds like you have a very good sch psych on your side. Federal and State Regulations are very frustrating to us, so I'm sure they must be to parents as well. They are there, however, to insure that what happenned to Cindy doesn't happen to other students. On an emotional level though, all I know, and all a parent knows, is that this student is struggling and needs help! It wrenches my gut to have to tell a parent that a child doesn't qualify for services. If your daughter doesn't qualify for services under IDEA then ask about services and/or classroom modifications under Section 504.
Jerrrycat - I would do a business similar to what I do now, but on a smaller scale. Designing buildings, running construction projects for clients who don't have the knowledge (or time) to do it themselves, etc. I would start as a "one man band". But I have resources available to me in a pinch.
I already do some work "on the side". But I don't make nearly enough to live on, especially in the northeast corridor (suburbs of Philly). I hope to build it some more while keeping my other job. Then when it gets too big to manage on the side, make the leap.
My wife believes in me, but the whole idea scares the hell out of her (as it does me). Right now she is not working - ok, she actually works her butt off taking care of the kids/house but you know what I mean. But she would like to get back to the workforce and already has an offer on the table. That would help to ease the financial fears - especially if she gets a job with medical.
Thanks for the encouragement.