day job?

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what do you do for your work....i'm an electrician...
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    Mo Chambers, Mountain View Masters Kerry O'Brien, Walnut Creek Masters
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    Vice President Sales/Marketing for a Part 145 FAA Licensed Repair Station. Sell specialized custom aviation tooling, sell and repair cargo handling and restraint system parts, manufacture aviation non-powered ground support equipment, load test and recertification of aviation maintenance support equipment, all to airlines around the world.
  • I haven't been reading the forum regularly for the last few weeks. I find this thread fascinating! One of the best things about friendships within Masters Swimming is the mixture of ages, lifestyles, and professions. I have to brag that I have the very best job - retirement. I taught math in junior or senior high schools for 30+ years. I loved it, but the freedom to set my own schedule is wonderful. Anna Lea, ever thought of teaching? I know the pay is not great, but it is satisfying and math jobs are available. Betsy
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    Thanks Denise for your offer and thinking of me; however, the commute would be a tad l-o-n-g. Besides, we are starting the process of fund raising for a new organ (instrument) here at my Church. I don't want to change postions now? Now let's think of hymns for swimming. Let's see . . . here's a start: Eternal Father Strong to Save (for open water events). That reminds me, what hymn do you associate with changing type faces when working on a document? Simple. "Come Thou Font of Every Blessing." I'd better stop . . . Matt S. will be after me . . . again.
  • Mark in MD, We could use an organist out here!! I can see Sunday morning Masters meets taking on an other event - Event 1: Hymn sing and prayer!!
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    I haven't been around lately either, because my job took me to Canada for a week, then I went off to visit a business school. I'm a television news photographer, AKA "cameraman," for an independent news service in Washington, DC. I cover our fearless leaders for overseas news networks in Singapore, South Africa, India and New Zealand. I also cover their fearless leaders when they come to North America, which is why I was in Canada: I spent the week following South African president Thabo Mbeki around Toronto and Ottawa, into their Parliament and even into Prime Minister Jean Chretien's office. I have been to the White House for bill signings by our own silly President, and I have shaken Colin Powell's hand after videotaping his personal "happy birthday" wishes to Nelson Mandela. I have shadowed most of India's top brass and ALL of Singapore's top brass and followed Pakistan's president Pervez Musharraf for a week all around Washington. Friday, in between my Canada trip and my school tour, I had a one on one with Hilary Clinton for the New Zealanders to learn all about her book (zzzzz). I have interviewed four sitting state governors (Chiles and Bush in Florida, Siegelman in Alabama and the NC guv, whose name escapes me at the moment) and a whole host of Senators and Representatives, and I've now shot video of every Democratic Presidential candidate except Clark; we've shot Dean several times, because we all think he's going to get the nomination and need the freshest video on hand as possible. I even got to shoot interviews with Wyclef Jean from the Fugees and Chaka Kahn. It's been interesting and exciting, but I've decided to give it up. I spent the day today at the University of Pennsylvania looking into my prospects as an MBA student. I was considering trying to double up in law and business, but several lawyers (including Matt S.) have just about talked me out of it. I'm trying to find a way to get up to Boston to tour Harvard next. I'm glad to see so many aviation folks on the list. I have my private pilot's license and have found pilots to be very cool people. Flying isn't practical for me now, but I plan to continue on to my instrument rating after I get school paid for. Someday I'll have my own plane. Also: Originally posted by Scansy Mechanical engineer (yawn!) I don't think that's boring. Ten, twenty even thirty years from now, you'll still be able to drive by buildings you did and say "I did that." People who build things are cool; in twenty years, it's unlikely anyone will give a crap about the video I shot in Canada last week, but someone will still be using your work.
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    Gee Shaky, maybe you should go to school for engineering - not the MBA/law thing. Better yet, is there a degree in swimology? Imagine the classes Freestyle 101 Advanced Techniques in Body Roll Ethics in Lane Sharing The History of the xxxxx Stroke Physics of Water, Air and Body Temperatures Oganic (Hair Maintenance) Chemistry Advanced Pace Clock Management Philosophy of TI :p
  • I have to tell you Shaky it sounds like you have one sweet job. Might be hard if you have a family. Everyone I know has an MBA and all we do is sit around computers crunching numbers all day long. Stay with you very cool job. I think we are all envious. The NC gov was either Hunt or Easley, depending on when you did the filming.
  • Former Member
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    Well, you can say that about the other side too. Personality I wasn't a big supporter of the Kosvo/Bosnia adventure myself but as Shaky states think tanks can give more reasons for us getting involved with the Balkins when we did in the 1990's.
  • Former Member
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    Shaky, giving up your profession? What's brought this on? This is life changing stuff you're talking about. One thing for sure is that we've got one crack at living on what you want to do before the time is gone. Best of luck, JoAnne