I teach adapted physical education in an elementary school district K - 8. I see 60 students at 12 schools. Six schools a day - they are only 1 -2 miles apart. I get lots of exercise during the day and then work out about 4,000 yards in the afternoon. No wonder I am tired at night!
Had been an assistant principal and school principal for 13 years but finally got tired of the.....stress. Love what I do now, kids are great and I can't wait to get to school each day!:cool:
wow... that's kinda cool! I always liked science at school; one of the schools where I took some night classes- way back in the beginning of my academic career- offered a meteorology programme... I (and a lot of the other lit. majors) was in awe of how difficult the programme was- all the maths and physics... I've always been fascinated by weather and how it all works... actually, when I stop and ponder the physical universe and all that it implies, I suddenly understand how insignificant all the 'small stuff' really is (like sets of 200s) ... hmmm......
School psychologist... major duty is diagnosing disabilities as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act... but, like an ER in slow motion, I handle what ever walks in the door. I serve one middle and two elementary schools for a caseload of about 1,700 students. Swimming is a great way to burn off the stress.
i am in the executive recruiting business...specialty in marketing /market research. i work for myself and started my company a year ago this january. it's been tough, but worth it.
Defense contractor. We are in the supply chain for military aircraft and ships. We also have a couple minor contracts with Big Tobacco. (No kidding!) A relatives of mine s an importer of firearms and religious supplies, among other things. (If only we had a distillery and a casino - that would complete the package.)
Small Business Commercial Insurance Agent (new to this side of business). Was a Company-based Personal Lines Insurance Financial Analyst in previous life (merger and acquisition consolidation). Just started in this role last month and have already passed licensing exam. Hoping to write small business insurance for some fellow masters in the near future.
scansy, you've got to just do it. If you think about it too much, it's easy to get scared to death, and not do it.
ultimately, i always wanted to be self employed...then the perfect opportuntiy came when the organization I worked for was aquired--it was the messiest, ugliest thing I'd ever been through. finally, i said enough is enough! i asked them to fire me (so the my noncompete wouldn't apply). they had no idea what I was up to, but less than one month later, I was up and running with my own company.
last friday I cried alot, because so many bad things happened--but a bad day like that working for yourself, beats any good day working for somebody else. Plus, the good days on your own are so powerful and rewarding...
If you're serious, get some money, put it away somewhere so it's liquid, draw up your plan, and get going. the thing to remember is that you can always go back to working for someone else--not that you'd want to, but you could if your business was a total flop. Plus, if you're married, make sure your spouse/companion believes in you, because they'll keep you emotionally floating when you feel down.
what kind of business are you thinking of doing?