Do you race short distance free with bi-lateral breathing?

Former Member
Former Member seems that ppl still prefer to breath on their best side when racing short distance free (50yd/m, maybe even more)... Am I correct in this observation? (of course I do realize the value of bi-lat breathing during practice, drills, long distance..etc, due to body position, balance, strain of muscle...etc) Thanks!
  • If the distance is short enough (50), hopefully you will not be breathing enough to know if it is bi-lateral or not. :D Unless you are in an end lane, breathing both ways lets you check out the field. I've always viewed bilateral breathing as keeping your options open. I have more "gears" about when I want to breathe, depending on my oxygen debt.
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    In a sprint I breathe to the side that feels most fluid by the time I need air. The side can depend on how I feel that day, t\what muscles may be tighter than the others. Being ambidextrous, I don't have a favorite side (if nothing is hurting). When doing regular swimming in practice, moderate and easy sets, I breathe on 3's and 5's, or if I zone out, it can happen on 2';s and 4's and 5's and 6's.... ;)
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    you should only breathe on your strong side fo the 50. I only breath once about half way of the 2nd 25. On my 100 though, I breath every 4th on the first 50 so I have enough O2 for the second 50.