Do you race short distance free with bi-lateral breathing?
Former Member seems that ppl still prefer to breath on their best side when racing short distance free (50yd/m, maybe even more)... Am I correct in this observation?
(of course I do realize the value of bi-lat breathing during practice, drills, long distance..etc, due to body position, balance, strain of muscle...etc)
If the distance is short enough (50), hopefully you will not be breathing enough to know if it is bi-lateral or not. :D
Unless you are in an end lane, breathing both ways lets you check out the field.
I've always viewed bilateral breathing as keeping your options open. I have more "gears" about when I want to breathe, depending on my oxygen debt.
If the distance is short enough (50), hopefully you will not be breathing enough to know if it is bi-lateral or not. :D
Unless you are in an end lane, breathing both ways lets you check out the field.
I've always viewed bilateral breathing as keeping your options open. I have more "gears" about when I want to breathe, depending on my oxygen debt.