Hey gang! I'm sitting here inside, at the computer, because the late afternoon thunderstorm has closed my pool again! In the past week I've only been able to get in the pool once and the forcast is 40 to 60 percent chance of afternoon thunderstorms for the next 4 days. I had much the same senerio last week and could tell a difference when I got back in for my one workout this week. So what do you all do when something interferes with you workout and you can't get in the pool? :(
Former Member
I'm down in Fla. so I know what you mean- the afternoon storms were one of the reasons that I moved to the a.m. workout group... is there a morning group you could join? If not, then I would just do the gym thing (blech! :mad: ), as it will keep you going...
it is interesting what you said about being out of sorts after taking a break- I find that even stopping for more than 3 days will make a big difference in my performance... I wonder why that is...
I understand what you are talking about. With the Monsoon summer condition, I usually missed some days of practice. But it just started, so none days off so far. Did a lot of sprinting today and I'm sore. I hope it doesn't take to much time off since I want to do are long course meet in early August and its better if you are good shape for long course.
Originally posted by eliana2003
it is interesting what you said about being out of sorts after taking a break- I find that even stopping for more than 3 days will make a big difference in my performance
You've heard of runner's high, right? Exercise releases endorphins in the brain, giving you a natural "high".
I remember my high school coach trying to convince the team that is was a good thing that we were practicing over winter break, otherwise we would be going through "withdrawal". ;) (But then again, the pain of the custodians turning the pool heater off for several days was not a good alternative. :eek: )
Well, the weather predictive does effective your swimming. I swam less yardage because I thought there was going to be lighting on one day. The next day I did 3,600 yards and was stuff. Today, I went down in yardage and did sprints.
I DO go through withdrawal if I don't train for more than two days... boy, I get cranky and moody... the same thing happens to my husband, who does a phenonemal amount (IMHO) of weight training (like 2.50-3hrs, 4x/wk)....
Is it the endorphine thing??
Find a few dryland exercises you like and do a few sets of each, alternating.
3x(10 pushups, 10 squats, 10 crunches)
Or do "the 100", one of 2 ways
100 repetitions of any one exercise, can split it up
100 different exercises, 1 rep each
for example, there are a bunch of ways to do pushups, so you could do 20x5, changing style each time.
Anything is better than nothing!
Swim fast.
The 'irritability' is probably not as simple as a decrease in endorphine levels. It may be due to a lack of several neurochemicals that are produced during exercise. One, for example, is norepinephrine. It is released from nerve endings of the sympathetic nervous system and is associated with mood. If you swim outdoors sunlight stimulates the optic nerve and the impulses traveling along the nerve triggers the release of serotonin. Serotonin is also associated with mood.
Laineybug ...
swim in the am for an hour and then, weather-permitting, do a second hour later. What the heck? You'll at least get that morning hour in.
I've also found that when one pool is closed there are usually other options. Check into all your area pools. Maybe there's a local university that will let you in for $5. I find that I spend about $50 a year on impromtu non-membership swims in places when I'm feeling like I really want to get into a pool. Maybe there's a Y ... despite Shakey's analyses (all too often correct) sometimes you can get a good swim in. And sometimes a mediocre swim is better than none at all.
Good Luck!
Thanks for the suggestions, yall.
I've seriously considered the early morning swim thing, but that would cut down the time I swim... I currently swim for about an hour and a half to an hour forty five minutes... I love swimming so much I just don't want to get out of the pool until I can't take another stroke! The pool doesn't open until 6 AM... I'm wondering if I could swim for an hour, shower, do my hair, make-up, dress and be at work by 8. The only way to find out is to try it, I guess. If I'm late that morning, well the powers that be will just have to live with it. LOL, they wouldn't dare say anything, I'm a silver back! (but I didn't get that way by being late)
I've also been meaning to put shorts/tees/sweats, socks/shoes in my locker so if the pool is closed I will have no excuse for not going into the gym.
Okay, here's another question. If I were to start using the other equipment at the gym (it has just about everything a person could want ... stair climbers, bikes, weight machines etc.) what would be a good routine to begin with... one that would be beneficial to my swimming. What have yall found that has helped your swimming. Oh, yeah... I also do pilates at home three times a week.
Looking forward to your suggestions
...That there is a conspiracy! Yesterday afternoon the thunderstorm was so heavy it took me 15 minutes to drive less than two miles from my office to my home. It cleared up and stopped raining after pool hours! I decided I would definately try the 6 AM swim thing this morning! Guess what? Yep, pouring down rain! *sigh*
Thanks again for the suggestions... looking forward to hearing suggestions for gym workouts to improve swimming.