The Website

There is a NSR thread about the website, but I wanted to start one here as this gets more looks. I can finally access from my phone, but too much still seems not user-friendly. True, I'm 69 , but it should be simple enough for me to navigate. I just looked at the event rankings and if you want to find someone below about top 3 you just have to keep scrolling and scrolling. Plenty of people have complained about the calendar. I believe USMS wants to be responsive, so please make your observations and concerns known.
  • Just found out the event rankings are OK on my laptop, is is only on my phone that they are unwieldy.
  • When viewing event results, not only do you have to scroll at a one swim per page rate but the characters overlap. Was the change for security purposes? The way it was prior to the change was perfect. You get a single table with all of your swims in view so you get a snapshot of your performance. Now, you can only view one swim or 2 at a time (below)
  • Could someone give one reason that the new event results format is better?
  • I hate having to sign in every time button to save sign in and password.
  • I signed in and saved the link as a favorite and don’t have to log in again. I saved both the forum page and the FLOG pages as separate favorites and they hold the logins.
  • I signed in and saved the link as a favorite and don’t have to log in again. I saved both the forum page and the FLOG pages as separate favorites and they hold the logins. Thanks to your suggestion on the other thread, I did the same thing. It has spared me the ongoing frustration that I used to have logging in each time. What I would like to know, however, is why it is taking IT so :censor: long to get this resolved! How hard could it be to add a "Remember me" option to the new website??? I asked about it in early April before I started the thread in the NSR section! :bitching: :bouncing:
  • Could someone give one reason that the new event results format is better? There is no good reason. I think the whole website redo is a disaster. I've heard it will takes years to pay off what they have spent on it.
  • I signed in and saved the link as a favorite and don’t have to log in again. I saved both the forum page and the FLOG pages as separate favorites and they hold the logins. Thanks!
  • I believe USMS wants to be responsive, so please make your observations and concerns known. I signed my son up for the Commerce meet in December (bought USMS card and used my email). Now when I log on, I am my son and I cannot access my flog. I've been told they are working around the clock to fix this. After working in hospitals for 30 years, it is important for us all to realize any computer upgrade is always "code" for downgrade. Of course the irony is my son will never look at this website. I do like the enhanced security of the new site as I stay up late at nights constantly worried if someone has hacked into my flog subtracting hard earned mileage or going on the forums (not sure why that still works) and making churlish remarks under my name...
  • I've heard it will takes years to pay off what they have spent on it.To the best of my knowledge, USMS is current with all payments for the website redesign and USMS did not take out any loans to pay for the project. So I'm not sure what you mean by "it will take years to pay off what they have spent". Can you explain this?