Deadline approaching: NE LMSC SCY Champs at Harvard

Don't miss this popular event! Regular entry deadline is Friday, February 24, 2017. NE LMSC SCY Champs at Harvard. March 11 and 17-19, 2017 -Rick
  • I've been meaning to ask about this meet. I'm a longtime swimmer, never on a team though, nor any competition really other than a couple of annual open water events, and a handful of triathlons every year. Couple years ago I began swimming with a USMS registered workout group at my pool. Finally just a couple months ago I joined USMS for the first time ever so that I could be in the postal swim. Now the coach of the group (a longtime friend) wants me to sign up for the Harvard meet. I'm kind of reluctant to do it. Not scared. I just don't know that I want drive 60-70 miles to be sitting around a pool all day just to swim in a couple of events. I more favorable to road races, open water swims where you go, do your thing, then go home in a reasonable amount of time. Convince me why I would enjoy this event. Dan
  • I more favorable to road races, open water swims where you go, do your thing, then go home in a reasonable amount of time. pick a day where the order of events looks good for your liking, and just swim a few back-to-back events. thing done. then go home. boom. Friday: 500fr, 200 IM, 100 fr Sun: 400 IM, 200 fr, 50 fl - maybe your usms group has enough for the 400 free relay.
  • One of the finest meets in the country, and right in your backyard! I agree with Muppet - I have driven the 3 hours from Vermont for a single day of swimming at Blodgett Pool depending on my non-swimming life, other times I have gone for the whole meet. The SwimRI folks will fill you in.
  • Convince me why I would enjoy this event. Dan The reason you'd go to this type of meet is to swim your events in a high quality pool against better competition that you would see in a smaller meet. I am heading to Nationals, flying across the country to battle for the chance to not come in last in a few events I barely meet NQT for. For me, the energy experienced is worth the trip. I grew up swimming meets every Saturday all winter, and part of the meet experience is sitting on deck or in stands and watching other swims. Some studying to see what really fast people are doing, some just entertainment, and a little nostalgia. Masters meets are inspiring for me. If none of these reasons appeal to you, maybe you shouldn't go.