Tumble turns with snorkel

I spent some time today trying to teach myself to tumble turn with a snorkel. I can tumble turn fine. I can swim with a snorkel fine. When I try to put the two together, I repeatedly half-drown (and frustrate) myself. Tips?
  • When I first got my snorkel I had to remember to inhale just before each turn and then exhale a minimum amount of air out my nose while upside down so I'd have a reserve of air after the flip to clear my snorkel. Took me a little while to get used to it.
  • I is much easier with a nose clip.
  • This is a good example of a swim snorkel that works well. It has a valve at the bottom to help keep some of the water from accumulating at the bend. There are some without the valve and while they also work, they require a couple of blows to clear everything out. Orca, the difference with the swim snorkel is that it's centered on your forehead, not off to the side. It makes it a lot easier to turn without it flopping all over the place. www.swimoutlet.com/.../
  • This is a good example of a swim snorkel that works well. It has a valve at the bottom to help keep some of the water from accumulating at the bend. There are some without the valve and while they also work, they require a couple of blows to clear everything out. Orca, the difference with the swim snorkel is that it's centered on your forehead, not off to the side. It makes it a lot easier to turn without it flopping all over the place. www.swimoutlet.com/.../ Finis makes a fine snorkel, but then I got one of these www.swimoutlet.com/.../ and like it better.It is much more stable turning and sprinting.
  • I don't use a snorkel for swimming. But I do use one when I'm "snorkeling" off the beach...like when I'm on vacation in the Caribbean. When I dive to the bottom and then re-surface...the first thing I do as I break the surface is a hard blow to get all the water out of the snorkel. Thinking that IF I used a snorkel for swimming, that's what I'd do after a flip/tumble turn (I'm exhaling then anyway). But with the flip, it may take some coordination and practice like knelson suggested. So (in the pool) try doing what I do when I'm snorkeling. Once you get that coordinated, try it with a tumble/flip and see how it goes. Good luck. Dan
  • Probably not the response you're hoping for, but I think practice is the only way to get it down. Obviously when you come up after the turn you need to forcefully eject any water that got into the snorkel. You need to train yourself to do this as if it's second nature. I agree. Practice makes perfect. I had to play around and experiment a bit to feel comfortable with it. At first just duck underwater to let the snorkel fill and then blow to clear it when you surface. That gives you an idea of how much force it takes to clear it. Then try pushing off underwater from the wall in streamline and blow to clear it as you come to the surface. When doing flip turns, some folks suggest exhaling a little bit as you flip to form a bubble in the snorkel tube to help keep water out. I'm still working on that, trying to figure out both the timing and amount of air required.
  • Swim snorkels work much better long course, cutting the problems to which Allen refers in half. :-)
  • Is it a swim snorkel or one made for scuba? The scuba ones have a ball/valve that keeps water from filling the tube.
  • Probably not the response you're hoping for, but I think practice is the only way to get it down. Obviously when you come up after the turn you need to forcefully eject any water that got into the snorkel. You need to train yourself to do this as if it's second nature.
  • Oh yeah. I looked at the one from swim outlet and that makes so much sense with the dump valve on the bottom. I may get one of these for myself. thanx for the info.