No Gaines, No 25m breasts or fly races in Florida!
Former Member
I am 59 and was just ready to swim at the Gaines. Did some triathlons years ago, but I am a sprinter. I'm new to competitive swimming, having left 60m and 100m track. I'm looking everywhere for other master's 25m events. None to be found?
Are there any that anyone knows of? Am I going to be left only to choose 50m events!? Any feedback would be appreciated. RB
Go west! Swim Devil Masters routinely hosts their "Sprinter Spectacular" meet at Arizona State University in late Feb / early March. Great, fun meet with 25s of everything and some other innovative, short events.
... I'm looking everywhere for other master's 25m events ...
Has 25s ... Nashville Aquatic Club SCM Nov. 19 & 20 (& this year's Dixie Zone Championships)
In the midwest - almost no 25's that we have found at local meets.
This would need twice that amount of touch pads for finish times.
Correction: either twice the number of touch pads; or twice the number of starting blocks. George Mason (Fairfax, VA) runs 25y sprints at their annual Sprint Classic. They start from blocks on the bulkhead at the turn end of the pool (i.e. they finish at the same wall as standard events, so touch pads are only needed at one end).
Meet info (Oct 30):
Yes, in the mid-west there is a meet that conducts 25's, with touch pads.
The Anderson Barracuda Masters, located at the M.E. Lyons YMCA in Cincinnati Ohio holds their annual meet in March. This years meets will be held on Saturday March 25th. They offer the 1000 for the Triathletes, the 25's for the newbies or for those that want to relive or 8 & under days, plus all the other standard events (50's, 100's & 200's) with relays AND a really cool meet T-shirt included as part of the entry.