race disputes

Just curious if anyone has ever disputed their race time with officials. I spoke with an official on deck this morning & she stood firm on her position that what was posted on the results sheet is true & correct. I didn't press it because I really didn't know what questions to ask or what if anything I could look at to see how they arrived at the time. In my 100 back, my time came up on the reader board somewhat delayed I thought. My friend swimming 2 lanes down saw me come in several seconds after she did which would have made my time about 4 seconds faster than what was displayed & would have approximated how I was seeded. My split time for the 2nd 50 was really slow & just doesn't jive with how I swim this race. (My split times for 100's are historically closely matched & I felt strong thruout this race). I do have issues hitting the pad hard in backstroke, since I can't see where the wall is & don't want to hurt my hand. My split times by the way: 39.22, 43.84. For me, these splits represent dying on the 2nd 50 after going out too fast; this was definitely not the case. This was a good meet for me; I bettered 3 out of 4 times & felt strong & prepared. I am a newby to Masters & if I'm all wet, I'll move on. There are many more races to be swum! I am thankful for any feedback.
  • Never heard of anyone disputing results. Usually DQ is the case for dispute. In case of dispute you should not argue with meet officials - usually meet invitation describes the official disputing procedure. Furthermore, usually it's not for free, so if you dispute anything you'd better have some evidences like video of your distance.
  • It's possible that the electronic time was not correct. I suggest you contact the meet director and tell him that you think the time listed in the results for your 100 backstroke swim may not be correct. Ask him if he could look at the backup timers' sheets from your lane, to verify that the backup timers recorded times similar to what was detected by the electronic timing system. If the backup times are significantly different, that will tell him whether there was an error in the electronic timing system. This happens often in the backstroke. I addition to gliding in on the touch you might have also veered to the side and possibly hit the gutter wall first than the pad when turning around to face the wall. Either way both the back up button and back up hand timers would only be a few tenths at most behind the computer timing.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    It's possible that the electronic time was not correct. I suggest you contact the meet director and tell him that you think the time listed in the results for your 100 backstroke swim may not be correct. Ask him if he could look at the backup timers' sheets from your lane, to verify that the backup timers recorded times similar to what was detected by the electronic timing system. If the backup times are significantly different, that will tell him whether there was an error in the electronic timing system.
  • When comparing the times for official results, any time more than a certain amount off (can't recall exactly but my memory tells me 0.6 seconds), that outlier is dropped. The board results are not official. The meet I ran recently had a lot of swimmers who typically don't race and there were a good handful of soft touches. Also a few swimmers who do race were getting soft touches because our gutter system screams "touch me", so they hit the top instead of side of the pad. There's actually a check box right on the timer's sheet printed from Meet Manager to designate a "soft touch", so the people compiling results make sure they give it special attention when they look at the times. I was part of a relay in December where our third swimmer kicked the wall on the way out of the pool and that incorrect time still showed when results were posted online because they were the timing system report, not the official results. Sometime later that week, official results were posted and it had our correct time from the watch. I wouldn't stress it unless you super needed that time for something. Then you can see if the meet manager can check the back-up systems to see if the times jive.
  • go ask the backup timers what the times were as to the posted time. In any case unless you are going for a "Q " time for state or Nationals you will have other times to compare this to. Yes - back stroke can be hard to get to the pad on the finish, I suspect this might be the case.
  • Just got meet results on this website & my 100 back time has been revised & now makes sense. Even better, I have another Nat'ls qualifying time! thanks to everyone who responded.
  • Good news for you ---- and ---- congrats on the National Q time !!!