Freestyle Stroke Critique

Welcome any feedback on my freestyle technique. The turn wasn't done very fast, I know I need to flip faster. The video is not the best quality, I'll try uploading a better version.
  • Thanks Julie and Knelson. Julia - the video was taken after a 5000 yard workout and in the midst of heavy training so it would fit into the fatigued category. It was probably done at about 75% effort. The splashing is definitely something I've heard in the past from several people. I'm trying to work on it. As for bilateral breathing I typically breath to both sides during warm up and easier free sets but if the set is supposed to be fast I generally breath to the right. Knelson - I'll try experimenting with when I start the kick off the turn, I imagine the ideal point would change depending on the length of the race. Head too high is also something I've heard many times before, it's actually improved quite a bit over the past two years but as you pointed out there's still work to be done.
  • From the video clip here, you have a solid stroke technique - good kick, nice high elbows during the recovery, fairly efficient swimming. I am not sure if this clip was taken while you were rested - we generally like to analyze stroke technique both when the swimmer is rested and when the he/she is slightly more fatigued, as this is the point at which much of the weaker points of the stroke become more exaggerated. A few suggestions: --when you are entering the water with your right arm, you can clearly hear a splashing noise - that tells you that you don't have a clean entry on that side. -- I would suggest trying to develop more of an early vertical forearm to get a stronger catch. The first video in our article has a drill you can work on for this. -- You might want to consider bilateral breathing, if you don't already use it. Bilateral breathing is advantageous in a variety of ways, including maintaining balance and symmetry in your stroke. Good luck!
  • Something I noticed is you start kicking almost immediately off the walls. You might want to hold your streamline longer before you start to kick. Stroke looks good, though. You may be holding your head a tad high. Make sure you're looking at the bottom of the pool. I agree with Julia's comment about EVF.