Belmont Pool Closed

Belmont Pool Closed "On Thursday, January 10th, the City of Long Beach closed the pool indefinitely after a structural analysis found that the pool was “seismically unsafe,” meaning that even a moderate earthquake would cause severe damage to the facility."
  • Long Beach needs an indoor competition pool! The fact that the Pac-12 moved the men's championship to Federal Way due to the Belmont situation tells you everything you need to know. Major meets are too risky to schedule at an outdoor venue in Southern California during the winter. I think a metro area of close to 20 million people deserves at least one indoor championship caliber facility.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 11 years ago
    I can tell you, an outdoor swim meet in December in Long Beach would not be a bad thing. I beg to differ. While swimming a dual meet at Long Beach State in December of 1987, it was so cold we had to break the ice off of the blocks during warm-ups. We stayed at the small Best Western across the street from the Belmont Pool. I have pictures of my friends and I hanging out on the large deck facing the ocean. Tennessee won the NCAA in 1978 in that pool. Many a Vol would hate to see it go.
  • The Delong/O'Donnell Alternative Move the staff proposal forward as proposed with the following plan changes: I. Integrate the necessary infrastructure into the design and cost estimates so as to maintain Platform Diving inside the facility by increasing the length of the indoor pool to ensure a segregated area for Platform Diving or creating a separate diving well; II. Ensure final indoor pool design includes a minimum of 30 meters of 8-foot plus water depth,if practical,and evaluate the benefits of 10-foot water depth to allow for collegiate and international water polo competition and meet current and future competitive swimming regulations; III. Request city staff to return to Council with a plan to expedite the design,procurement,and construction of a temporary pool with incentives for early completion (June,2013 ?); IV. Request city staff to return to Council with a plan to expedite the design, procurement,and construction of a permanent pool facility with incentives for early completion; V. Given the design changes that have occurred, determine the most appropriate location for the small "therapy" pool; VI. Analyze the technical and economic feasibility of incorporating a "moving pool floor" as part of the design
  • That's awesome. I grew up in So Cal and remember all kinds of great swimming/diving/polo at Belmont. Good for the LB City Council!
  • Great job Bill. Would love to see the DeLong/O'Donnell alternative for indoor competition. Hopefully the letters I and others sent (to DeLong and Fricke) regarding an indoor competition facility looks like they may have made a difference.
  • The Community Meeting this evening was great. Small only about 20-30 people. It was the Belmont Heights Community Association. Featured speaker was Eric Lopez of the Program Manger for the Tidelands. Points I brought up. What will happen to the murals inside the current building? Too soon to tell. Nothing planned at this time. Can the City place astro turf between the current outdoor pool and the soon-to-be-built outdoor pool and the current building, so that we do not have to walk on the beat up concrete? Yes they are planning on improving upon this situation When can the community have input regarding the electrical systems? While planning is being completed, and before plans go to the Coastal Commission. (I want to have my input added regarding the Timing/Score Board, Audio, and Visual. I have only been swimming four years, the best Timing/Score Board is at UCLA at the Spieker Aquatic Center. I would like to see something like that at Belmont. Need vast improvement for Audio and Visual. No offense to the Colorado Scoreboard, but with current technology we can do better. I will do my research and see what is out there and contribute to Mr. Lopez. He is open to suggestions. Nice!) The Belmont Heights Community Association is supportive of the Belmont Pool project. They wish to stay involved in this process as it moves forward. There were a lot of swimmers in this audience. Nice that they are (were) using the pool. Regards,
  • Article form this weeks Grunion Gazette regarding the City Council meeting this past Tuesday evening.
  • This sounds wonderful so far,but will the Natatorium be heated?
  • The annual SPMS SCM Meet in Dec. in Long Beach is the premier SCM meet on the west coast.In the absence of the Belmont pool for several years, does anyone have any idea what will happen to the meet? I vote for Federal Way to take it over. :)
  • The City of Cerritos has an indoor pool that might be used. I'm sure the Grunions don't want to lose this meet. They do a good job and I'm sure they will find a local replacement.