eating before swim

Former Member
Former Member
Most of my swimming life, i've had breakfast first. Usually at 9:30 AM I have a medium size bowl of oatmeal, then a half banana with 1/2 cup grain cereal. Someone mentioned that he felt he swam better if he didn't have lunch before he swam. I am always hungry and can't imagine swimming before breakfast. Would love to hear other swimmers' input.
  • If I've had a large dinner, I usually won't eat in the morning before a workout. Occasionally, I'll chow down half a bar (PR Bar) to stave off any belly growls. For swims/practices over 2 hours, however, I'll either do a PR Bar or PB&J beforehand.
  • If I've had a large dinner, I usually won't eat in the morning before a workout. Occasionally, I'll chow down half a bar (PR Bar) to stave off any belly growls. For swims/practices over 2 hours, however, I'll either do a PR Bar or PB&J beforehand.
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