Seeking Interview Subjects (Competitors in Spring Nationals)

I would like to interview several people (competing in Spring Nationals) who have experienced major improvements in their times over the past year or two willing to share what has most contributed to their burst of speed (video analysis, increased yardage, better quality workouts, coaching, diet, etc.). If you would like to participate, please send an email to me at I look forward to hearing from you.
  • Will you simply be asking for responses via email vs. doing interviews on site?
  • Hi Susan, I will be doing the interviews by phone. Just to clarify, since I received an email today asking what the interviews would be used for...These interviews will be included in the National Wrap Up article that will publish in SWIMMER!
  • I imagine some don't want to jinx their performance at nationals by talking about improvements they have made so far. Then again, they may not know if they have improved until after taper and performance in San Antonio.
  • People are being shy this year. I've only gotten a couple of emails. Perhaps coaches and teammates could encourage fellow swimmers who are seeing big improvements to get in touch with me? I'm looking for some stories that will really inspire SWIMMER readers. I especially want to interview people who haven't received coverage in recent Nationals features. Please send me a line or two about your story to Thank you! Here is an idea for a future article: "What's your reason?" or maybe just "Unfinished business?" Seems to me a lot of people got back into competitive swimming as a result of not quite accomplishing what they had hoped when they were younger. This does not apply to everybody (e.g. I don't think Matt Biondi came to masters because he didn't fulfill his swimming goals, and some are truly doing it for their health). But it seems to me a lot of people may have a story to tell on why they are still competing. Jeff
  • People are being shy this year.It may have less to do with being shy and more about finding swimmers who 1) are attending nationals, 2) experienced major improvements in their times and 3) participate on this forum.
  • People are being shy this year. I've only gotten a couple of emails. Perhaps coaches and teammates could encourage fellow swimmers who are seeing big improvements to get in touch with me? I'm looking for some stories that will really inspire SWIMMER readers. I especially want to interview people who haven't received coverage in recent Nationals features. Please send me a line or two about your story to Thank you!
  • Here is an idea for a future article: "What's your reason?" or maybe just "Unfinished business?" Seems to me a lot of people got back into competitive swimming as a result of not quite accomplishing what they had hoped when they were younger. This does not apply to everybody (e.g. I don't think Matt Biondi came to masters because he didn't fulfill his swimming goals, and some are truly doing it for their health). But it seems to me a lot of people may have a story to tell on why they are still competing. Jeff Jeff, I really like this suggestion for a topic. I will consider that for one of the future Nationals features.
  • I imagine some don't want to jinx their performance at nationals by talking about improvements they have made so far. Then again, they may not know if they have improved until after taper and performance in San Antonio. I suppose the superstitious would want to steer clear and if I still have space, I might be able to pick up a couple more interviews post-meet. Mary, I'm looking more for people who have showed consistent improvement over a period of time rather than a sudden drop due to a taper. Right now I'm hearing from some swimmers new to the sport, which is very inspiring!