Question for meet organizers: Pre-meet communication is stating that no outside food is permitted in the complex. Does this include water/Gatorade for our team (a case of it)?
We have a strong relationship with our Gold Medal & Concessions agency that is providing the food during the event. Where we realize it is impossible to police outside food being brought in, a filled cooler being rolled in, may push the tolerance level. You may bring Gatorade in, but please respect our sponsor and limit the amount brought in your swim bags. As to water, we will have several TEXAS SIZE water distribution coolers located throughout the facility for everyone to fill their water bottes throughout the day. We are attempting to stay green while staying cool. Water bottles, a gift from Omni Hotels, will be provided at registration for each athlete.
Question for meet organizers: Pre-meet communication is stating that no outside food is permitted in the complex. Does this include water/Gatorade for our team (a case of it)?
You may bring Gatorade in, but please respect our sponsor and limit the amount brought in your swim bags.
BigJim, looks like the verdict is no on the case of Gatorade, but Susan offers a good alternative. Be discrete. Unless swimmers have food overflowing out of their bags, I don't think anyone is going to do a TSA-style search of belongings for outside food.
The "no outside food" rule is beyond lame.
I agree. If the concessions offered are high quality, athlete-friendly and reasonably priced, the concessionairre will make money. However, I have yet to go to a swim meet that delivers on this value proposition. Most often, the food on offer is not in the least bit targeted towards athletes. is calling for 60% - 80% chance of precipitation next Wed – Sat with possible thunderstorms (mostly sunny on Sunday).
Does anyone know the facilities severe weather plan?
Move it to Phoenix? is calling for 60% - 80% chance of precipitation next Wed – Sat with possible thunderstorms (mostly sunny on Sunday).
Does anyone know the facilities severe weather plan?
The social will start at 8am? :wine:
food and drink to your needs at meets. No hot dogs & burgers till after ants. Some of the presented food will be aimed towards swimmers , but they also sell to just people that watch - hence the "other food" is calling for 60% - 80% chance of precipitation next Wed – Sat with possible thunderstorms (mostly sunny on Sunday).
Does anyone know the facilities severe weather plan?