How many swimmers go to Nationals who *don't* meet the NQTs?

Hi everyone. I'm a slow fitness swimmer who hasn't competed since I was 14, but I'd like to start participating just because it looks fun. I understand that anyone *can* swim up to 3 events at Nationals, but do non-qualifiers take advantage of that? What proportion of heats 'd like to go, but don't want to slow everyone else down.
  • I live near Ventura now. Grew up near Palm Springs.
  • I live near Ventura now. Grew up near Palm Springs. Nice! Give So Cal a BIG :smooch: for me!
  • Nice! Give So Cal a BIG :smooch: for me! It was interesting to see the range of competitors at Worlds in Montreal. There were many swimmers who were not close to placing in their AGs but who went to Montreal for the experience. It seemed to me, and I did not crunch any numbers that there were a much larger percentage of the meet who were swimming for the experience, not hoping to place, than at most USMS Nationals. I don't know why that is but it was good to see.
  • Former Member
    0 Former Member over 10 years ago
    aztimm I am so sorry you had that experience. I can only imagine how that must have made you feel. I hope you try Nationals again some time. My biggest hangup when it comes to Nationals is a different kind of fear. I am basically a team of one, and so I don't know ANYbody, unless my husband accompanies me. This makes it hard for me to be "up" for meets, unlike when you have a group of people who are all rooting for you, talking trash & getting you pumped up. Friends made on FB and the Forum are nice, but it's not the same as people from home, who train with you, and want to see you do well (and swim relays with you). We all have our hang ups I guess. But I'm really sorry you had to run into the biggest jerk in USMS. I can relate. I've only recently started swimming USMS Meets, I'll probably start swimming nationals next spring. I'm almost always a team of one, unless we're hosting a meet. Fortunately I'm one of the fastest breaststrokers in SPMS (Steve West is a freak of nature; I'll never be THAT fast). There are some big rowdy teams at a lot of these meets, which is great for them and the sport, but my motivation is to shut them up. I don't REALLY hold any malice towards the big teams, they're all very nice people, but it helps when I'm on the starting block. Just an idea for the next time you're at one of those meets all alone.
  • I entered my three events without making the qualifying times. I came home with 2 medals. I had a great time, and would do it again! Exactly the same for me! :D
  • I entered my three events without making the qualifying times. I came home with 2 medals. I had a great time, and would do it again!
  • I entered my three events without making the qualifying times. I came home with 2 medals. I had a great time, and would do it again! Congratulations!
  • I entered my three events without making the qualifying times. I came home with 2 medals. I had a great time, and would do it again! Good for you! Nats has always been a great time, no matter what shape I'm in. This time I had one good swim, one OK one, and two awful ones. But the atmosphere and great people made it well worthwhile.
  • We can find JERKS in all lines of work & play. Most of us are very supportive of others!! Dismiss the jerk & return to meets & Nats. I have always been "big" hence my nickname of ORCA cuz I swim pretty fast for a big guy. That name was dropped on me about 17 years ago at a Illinois state meet by a team mate. Ihave been to 4 ants cover my career & been pleased with results even if i did not meet Q times. It's the swims & PEOPLE.