How to get back into training?

Former Member
Former Member
Hello everyone! I have decided to really get back into competing. I was wondering if any of you would offer some advice on workouts for someone who is VERY out of shape and slightly overweight:blush:. I have pretty much 24hr access to a pool (I'm a YMCA employee plus I coach the Y team). It's funny how I can create a whole season of workouts for my team but I can't do it for myself! I just feel like I don't know where to start! Help! Thank you! :):):):)
  • Gary P: wow! Nationals? that's awesome! my goal is to try to swim about 45-60min a workout. I took 5 months of very race-focused workouts. And I swam two Summer Nationals qualifying times, which were easier than Spring Nationals qualifying times in the same events. But I really came a long way in 5 months with USRPT. Because of the limited time I had, I kept the training focused on two events. At first it was the 100 and the 200 free. I later replaced the 200 with the 400M/500Y free. Before the switch, I was rarely in the water more than 50 minutes a workout. If you stick to race distances of 100M, you could maybe see meaningful improvement in the three events (free, fly, and back) with an hour 5 times a week. The training sets for the 200 take a little longer. If your goal is simply general fitness, you can probably find something less intense that will do the job. But if you're thinking about getting back into competitive swimming, take a few minutes and peak down the rabbit hole that is Ultra Short Race Paced Training. It may turn everything inside out you thought you knew about preparing to race.
  • Gary P: wow! Nationals? that's awesome! my goal is to try to swim about 45-60min a workout. I took 5 months of very race-focused workouts. And I swam two Summer Nationals qualifying times, which were easier than Spring Nationals qualifying times in the same events. But I really came a long way in 5 months with USRPT. Because of the limited time I had, I kept the training focused on two events. At first it was the 100 and the 200 free. I later replaced the 200 with the 400M/500Y free. Before the switch, I was rarely in the water more than 50 minutes a workout. If you stick to race distances of 100M, you could maybe see meaningful improvement in the three events (free, fly, and back) with an hour 5 times a week. The training sets for the 200 take a little longer. If your goal is simply general fitness, you can probably find something less intense that will do the job. But if you're thinking about getting back into competitive swimming, take a few minutes and peak down the rabbit hole that is Ultra Short Race Paced Training. It may turn everything inside out you thought you knew about preparing to race.
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