Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Saturday, Feb 25 This workout is shorter than usual (2300). It is one I did after a tough week. On Friday, I swam and lifted weights with a trainer. I wasn't up for a tough workout today. If you want to use this one, Repeat part of the Main set and increase the Cool-Down. Warm-Up (1000) 300 Swim (75 free/25 non-free) 300 Pull 300 (25 K / 25 D /25 S) x 4 100 Swim, choice Main (1200) 400 Pull ( 2 x 100, 1 x 200) 400 Swim (2 x 100, 1 x 200) 400 (8 x 50), (3 of one stroke, 1 easy choice) x 2 Cool-Down (100) 100 Easy Swim
  • Monday, Feb 27 Warm-Up (900) 200 Swim, choice 100 (50 free: 3R-3-3L; 50 back: 3R-3-3L) 100 Swim back 200 Swim free 300 (25K, 25D, 25S) x 4 Main (1800) Set interval for free for 15-20 sec rest. Regroup after every 3rd . (6-18) x 100. Every 3rd 100 is something different. Others are all free. #3 (25 c.u./25 swim) #6 non-free OR free chg 3 with 3 (no fins) #9 Pull #12 25 non/25 fr/25 non/25 fr #15 non free OR 50 non/50 fr #18 Pull Cool-Down (100-300) (4-8) x 25 count strokes, choice 100 Easy swim
  • Wednesday, Feb 29 Warm-Up (1200) 200-300 Swim 400 (8 x 50 drll/swim); 1-2 fingertip drag, 3-4 c.u., 5-6 chg 3 w/ 3 back or free, 7-8 almost c.u. 100 breaststroke drill with noodle. 25 pull w/ fly k; 25 pull w/ fr k; 25 pull ; 25 swim 100 swim choice (some breaststroke?) 200-300 Pull Main1 (1400) 200 (2 x 100) choice 400 (8 x 50) choice 200 (2 x 100) choice 400 (16 x 25), (1-2 pull, 3-4 kick, 5-6 swim w/ fins, 7-8 swim w/o fins) x 2; same strk w/in set 200 (2 x 100) choice Main2 /Cool-Down (400) 400 (2 x 200) #1 swim; #2 pull or swim
  • Friday, March 2 Warm-Up (700) 200-300 Swim, count strokes on even lengths 200 Swim free with bottles 100 Swim, choice. 3 heats; each person has someone to count strokes on each length 100 Contest: who can go furthest on push-off – NO Kicking. Practice 2-3 times. Main (1600) Lane 8 – do all 100s; Lane 7 – do 1st 4 as 200; do rest as 100 200 (25 back/25 free OR 25 ***/25 free) 200 Kick, choice 200 (25 drill/25 swim, back or free) x 4; #1 Chg 6; #2 3R-3L; #3 Chg 6 w/3; #4 chg 3 with 3 200 Pull, 75 free/25 back 200 Swim free 200 Kick free, with or w/o the board 200 25 c.u / 25 swim 200 Pull, free Cool-Down (300) 3 x 100 easy swim or pull
  • Monday, March 5, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1100) 200-400 Swim, choice *great push offs & streamlines, 3 SDKs off every wall, DPS 200-400 Pull; continue good push-off streamline; EVF 200 (8 x 25 Kick ); free w/ brd or on back *odd count kicks; even fast *I’ll start each lane 100 easy Main (1400) 200 (8 x 25 Swim) *odds easy on :40, :45, :50, 1:00 concentrate on DPS *evens fast on 0:30, :35, :40, :45, :55 get your times. Limit breathing , HARD PUSHOFFS, Good STREAMLINES 100 easy 600 (4 x (3 x 50)); :55, 1:05, 1:10, 1:20, 1:45 1) easy 2) 85% DPS 3) 95% focus on easy speed & awesome technique *odd rounds free *even rounds non free or 1) 3R-3L 2) Catch-up 3) Speed 100 easy 400 (2 x (2x 100)); 1st 2 are choice, 2nd 2 are free Cool-Down (100-500) (2-10) x 50
  • Tuesday, Mar 6, Meter Pool The T/Th coach was on vacation this week, so I have additional workouts. Warm-Up (800) 300 Swim, choice 500 4 x (50 K + 25 S + 50 D) Main (1500-2100) 6 x 100 Odd – Pull; even – Swim. On 1:45, 2:00, 2:15, 2:20, - 5 x 100 1-2 Swim, 3-Pull, 4-5 Swim. On 1:40, 1:55, 2:10, 2:15, 2:35 4 x 100 Swim, on 1:35, 1:50, 2:05, 2:10, 2:30 3 x 100 Swim, on 1:30, 1:45, 2:00, 2:05, 2:25 2 x 100 Swim, on 1:25, 1:40, 1:55, 2:00, 2:20 1 x 100 Swim, choice, fast Cool-Down (100-300) (2-6) x 50. Odd d/s. Even swim.
  • Wednesday, Mar 7 The 75s were a little confusing, but swimmers were thinking so much they didn't worry about how far they were going. Warm-Up (1100) 200-300 Swim 200 Catch-up Drills. 1st 50: 4 strokes c.u. (count to 2 before starting each arm) / 4 arm strk (2 full strks) reg 2nd 50: 4 strokes c.u. (pull as soon as other arm hits) / 4 arm strokes regular 3rd 50: almost c.u. 4th 50: continue almost c.u. 200 Pull. Think about almost c.u. 200 Kick/Drill on side. Back or free. Fins ok. 50 kick (25 on each side) 50 change 12, no strokes. 50 chg 6. 50 chg 3. Be sure to get on your side! 200 Swim with fins. Use hips. Backstroke or freestyle almost c.u. Main 1 (1200) Rest 10-15 after each 75. 300 (4 x 75). Each 75 is 25 free/25 back/25 free. 300 (4 x 75). Alternate : #1,3 are 50 pull/25 swim. #2, 4 are 25 swim/50 pull. Free. Use paddles for all. 300 (4 x 75). Alternate: #1,3 are 50 swim/25 pull. #2,4 are 25 pull/50 swim. Free or Back. No paddles. 300 (4 x 75). Swim, choice. Main 2 (100-400) 4 x 50. Descend 1-3, 4 easy. Repeat if time.
  • Thursday, Mar 8 Warm-Up (1300) 200-300 Swim 200 Catch-up Drills. 1st 50: 4 strokes c.u. (count to 2 before starting each arm) / 4 arm strk (2 full strks) reg 2nd 50: 4 strokes c.u. (pull as soon as other arm hits) / 4 arm strokes regular 3rd 50: almost c.u. 4th 50: continue almost c.u. 400 (4x100) Pull. Think about almost c.u. Interval for 15-20 sec rest 300-400 as 50 Kick / 50 Swim, choice Main (700-1400) Alternate choice and free (#1 ch, #2 fr, #3 ch, #4 fr) 4 x 25 4 x 50 4 x 100 ~Rest 20-30 sec~ Repeat the set. Cool-Down (100-200) 100-200 easy swim or pull
  • Friday, Mar 9 Warm-Up (700-800) 100 Swim, free (no fins) ~Put on fins~ 100 Kick back or free OR 75 kick *** 100 Swim, choice OR 50 swim *** 100 Kick back or free OR 50 kick *** 400 as 50 drill/50 swim (fins optional) Main (1800) 400 Swim, choice. I did 100 free then 4 x (25 back/25 ***/25 free). 2 x 200 Pull. Descend. Rest 20 sec; get lane together. 4 x 100 Swim on 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:15, 2:45 1 x 200 Swim, hold pace. 8 x 50 #1-4 steady pace on :50, :55, 1:00, 1:10, 1:30; rest 20-30 sec. #5-8 add 5 sec to interval. Cool-Down (100-200) Easy Swim
  • Monday, March 12 Warm-Up (900) 300 Swim, choice 100 (50 Catch-up with Stick / 50 c.u. without stick) 400 4 x (50 D / 50 S) Drills: (1) 4 c.u./4 str (2) 3R-3-3L Back or Free (3) Chg 6 with 3 Back or Free (4) Fingertip Drag 100 (4 x 25 fast) on :30, :35, :30, :45, :50 Main (1600) 200 (2 x 25, 1 x 50 all one stroke) x 2 100 (4 x 25) I’ll time 200 (2 x 25, 1 x 50 all one stroke) x 2 100 IM Drill (fly-3R/3L, bk-“L” drill, br- pull with fly or fr kick, fr-3/4 c.u.) 300 (3 x 100) #1 Pull with paddles, #2 pull w/o paddles, #3 swim On 1:40, 1:55, 2:05, 2:20, 2:50 300 Swim, 75 fr/25 non-fr 200-400 (4-8) x 50 Choice. Two in a row same stroke. On 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:50 Cool-Down (100-200) Easy swim