Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Wednesday, March 14 “Catchup with Stick” – I bought some dowels and cut them in 16 in lengths. I wish they were a little longer. To ensure proper catch-up drill. You use the stick. You have to hold the non-stroking hand up until the stroking hand catches up to grab the stick. There are rubber bands on the ends, so swimmers can feel the end of the stick. I want a wide entry. Warm-Up (1000) 300 Swim, choice 100 (50 Catch-up with Stick / 50 c.u. without stick) 200 4 x (25 D / 25 S) Drills: (1) 4 c.u./4 str (2) 3R-3-3L Back or Free (3) Chg 6 with 3 Back or Free (4) Fingertip Drag 100 Swim (25 swim / 25 c.u.). I’ll be watching! Do it right. 100 Drill with paddles and fins. 25 rt only/25 left only/50 3R-3-3L 200 Kick, choice Main (1600) 300 (3 x 100 Pull) 1:35, 1:50, 2:00, 2:15, 2:50 (2) 200 (4 x 50) Odds pull, evens swim. :55, 1:05, 1:10, 1:20, 1:45 100 50 fast for time; 50 easy. I’ll time each lane. 300 (50 K/ 50 D/50 S) x 2. Choice 300 (6 x 50) (2 fast/1 easy) x 2 on interval above. Choice. 100 50 fast for time; 50 easy. I’ll time each lane. 300 (100 Pull with paddles, 100 Pull w/o paddles, 100 Swim) – free Cool-Down (100-200) Easy swim
  • Friday, March 16 Warm-Up (1000) 200-300 Swim (75 free/25 non-free) 50 Catch-up. Think about an early catch, good pull. 100 ¾ catch-up, full c.u. when breathing. 50 ¾ c.u., perfect technique. 300 (25K/25D/25S) x 4 200 Keep fins on. Get paddles also. (50 drill (3R-3-3L). 50 Swim) x 2 Main1 (1050) 200 (4 x 50, choice) on :50, :55, 1:05 or 1:15, 1:20, 1:50 300 Pull 150 (3 x 50, free) on :50, :55, 1:05, 1:10, 1:45 200 Pull 100 (2 x 50, choice) on ? 100 Pull Main2 (450) 3 x 150. (50 free/50 non-free/50 free) x 3 Cool-Down (100-200) (4-8) x 25 “Perfect stroke”
  • Monday, March 19 Warm-Up (1000) 200 Swim, free 100 Swim, choice 200-300 Pull 400 (8 x 50) Drill/Swim, choice of drill and stroke. Go when 4th person touches. Main1 (1000) All Free: 100 (4 x 25) count strokes, rest 5-10 100 (4 x 25) full catch-up, count 100 (4 x 25) ¾ catch-up, count 100 (2 x 50) count on 1:00, 1:05, 1:10, 1:20, 1:45 100 count each length 200 IM (25 kick/25 drill of each stroke). Do *** last. Choice (can be IM): 100 (4 x 25) count strokes, rest 5-10 100 (2 x 50) count on 1:05, 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:55 100 count each length Main2 (200-400) Swim 200-400, choice. Can mix it up. Think about long strokes. Cool-Down (100-300) 4 x 25, choice, count 2 x 50, count 1 x 100, count
  • Wednesday, March 21 Warm-Up (800) 200 Swim 200 Pull 200 Kick 200 Drill Main (1600) Lanes 4-7 200 4 x 50 on 2:00. I’ll time you. (Lane 8: 2 x 50 on 4:00). Choice 200 Choice, build 400 8 x 50 on 1:00, 1:15, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50. #1-2 free; #3 choice; #4-5 free; #6 choice; #7-8 free 200 Pull 400 4 x 100 on 1:40, 1:55, 2:05, Lane 7: 3 x 100 on 2:15, Lane 8: 2 x 100 on 2:50 200 Swim, choice Cool-Down (100-200) (4-8) x 25 count strokes
  • Friday, March 23 Lower yardage today. I brought clipboards, pencils, split sheets. We swam 2 to a lane with a recorder for each person. I called out splits and recorder wrote them down. Swimmers really liked seeing how steady they were (or not). Several asked to do this again in a few weeks. Fortunately, there were only 17 present so we could do this in 2 heats. Warm-Up (800) 200 Swim 200 50 c.u./50 swim 200 25 change 6/25 swim. Back or free. Fins ok. 200 Pull. Main (1200) 2 heats of 400. Pair off in groups of 2 within the lane. ½ swim, other ½ records splits. Switch. Figure pace per 100. 8 x 50 at same pace free OR 4 x 50 non-free (one stroke). 4 x 100 at that pace. Cool-Down (100-300) Easy pull.
  • Monday, March 26 Warm-Up (1000) 200 Swim 300 Pull 300 (4 x 75) #1: fr/non/fr; #2 non/fr/non. Repeat 200 2 x 50 drill/swim; 2 x 25 count; 1 x 50 count Main1 (1300) 200 4 x 50 free on :55, 1:00, 1:05, 1:10, 1:30. Transition from W.U. to Main 300 3 x 100 free. 2nd 100 is the fastest. On 1:45, 2:00, 2:15, 2:30, 3:00 100 2 x 50 choice on 1:00, 1:05, 1:15, 1:20, 1:45 300 3 x 100 choice. Descend 1-3. On 1:50, 2:10, 2:20, 2:30, 3:10 100 2 x 100 choice 300 3 x 100 choice, hold steady pace Main2 (200-400) (1-2) x 200 Pull
  • Wednesday, March 28 Warm-Up (1400) 300 (50 swim/25 drill) x 4. Choice of stroke and drill. ~Everyone get paddles. Fins are okay also.~ 600 (25 swim/25 drill) x 12 . All free. #1 Rt arm only; #2 Lft arm only; Look at where your hand enters and pulls. #3-#4 3R-3L #5-6 3R-3-3L #7-8 Full c.u. #9-10 Almost c.u. #11 Swim ¾ c.u.; #12 Paddles off. Swim ¾ c.u. 300 (50 kick/50 swim). Choice. 200 No fins or paddles. 8 x 25 count strokes. Mix it up. Main (1300) 300 2 x (3 x 50). Descend 1-3. Interval: 1:00/:55, 1:10/1:00, 1:20/1:05, 1:30/1:15, 2:00/1:45 First set is choice. Second set is free. 500 (2 x 100 pull free. Interval for 15 sec rest. Rest and get organized. 50 choice fast) x 2. ~Fins on. Kicks and Drills. Pick fly or back (just one).~ 3 x 50 Kick. Back on side or on back in streamline position. Fly on back or w/ brd. 3 x 50 One arm. #1 6R-6 L, #2 3R-3L, #3 3R-3-3L back or 3R-1 full -3L fly 200 8 x 25 Odds fast. Evens recovery (any stroke). Cool-Down (200-400) (1-2) x 200
  • Friday, March 30 Warm-Up (1100) 200-300 Swim 400 (2 x 50 drill/swim, 2 x 50 build) x 2. Go on 4th touch. 200 (2 x 100) #1 build, #2 good effort 200 2 x (2 x 50) descend 1-2. Go on 4th touch. Main (1400) 200 (8 x 25) Divide into heats based on free times. Shift as needed. (4 free, 4 choice). 200 Pull 200 Kick 400 (4 x 100) Pull on 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:15, 2:30 300-400 (6-8) x 50 No interval. Odds are fast. When everyone finishes, swim one easy. Get everyone together for next fast one. Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim.
  • Monday, April 2, 2012 Warm-Up (600-800) 200-300 Swim, choice. 200 Drill/Swim by 25. No fins. Drills: full catch-up; 3R-3L; Chg 3; *** pull w/ fly kick 100 Free. Count stokes each 25. 100 Choice. Count strokes, rest 5-10 after each 25. 100 Swim, choice. Main (1300-1700) 600 Sprint Practice ~Fins on~ 4 x 25 Choice. Kick ½ way; swim rest. 4 x 25 Choice. Sprint. 2 x 50 Choice. Swim. ~Fins off~ 4 x 25 Choice. Let feet drag, pull only ½; swim rest. 4 x 25 Choice. Sprint. 2 x 50 Choice. Swim. 100 easy swim 500 Pull (1 x 200; 2 x 100; 2 x 50). Slower lanes omit the 200. 500 Swim (1 x 200; 2 x 100; 2 x 50). Slower lanes omit the 200. Cool-Down (100-300) 200 Free (50 swim with fins, 50 swim with fins and paddles, 50 swim with paddles, 50 swim) 100 choice
  • Wednesday, April 4 Warm-Up (1000) 100 Swim, free 100 D/S by 25, free 100 Swim, choice 100 D/S by 25, choice, different drills from before. 200-300 50K/50S, choice 200 (4 x 50, rest 10-15); 1-arm drill ½ way, swim ½ way for each 25; choice of stroke 100 Swim, choice Main (1600) 2 x 200 (descend), same stroke or combination. Interval for 20 sec rest. Lane 1 – do 1 x 200 8 x 50 Descend 1,2; 3 easy; descend 4-5; 6 easy; descend 7-8. Choice. Interval for 15 sec rest. Lane 1 do 6. 4 x 100 Pull. #1-2 easy, #3-4 faster but moderate. Recovery. Lane 1: 2 x 100. 4 x 100 Swim. Steady pace. Interval for 10-15 sec rest. Lane 1: 2 x 100. Rest 20-30. Cool-Down (100-200) Easy swim with extra long streamline off each wall.