Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Monday, Feb 6 Warm-Up (1100) 300 (50 swim/25 drill) x 4 300 (6 x 50, drill/swim). Rest 10-15 300 Pull (100, 2 x 50, 4 x 25). Rest 10. ~ Fins on ~ 200 (4 x 50 swim with fins.) Push yourself. Be sure to kick!!! Main (900-1400) 300-600 (3-6) x 100 , choice. If free, try for even pace or descend. If mixing free and non-free, work the non-free, free should be long and strong (not slow). 300 (3 x 50 descend) x 2 on 1:00, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, 1:45. Rest between the 2 sets. 200 drill. Fins ok. Choose one of the following: •Free or back: 25 K on rt/25 K on lft; 50 chg 6; 50 chg 6 with 3; 50 chg 3 with 3. Get on side. Anchor hand for good catch. •Fly: 50 Kick underwater as far as you can, then kick on surface with scull to breathe; 50 3rt/3 lft; 50 3rt/1 full/3 lft/1 full; 50 3rt/3full/3lft/3full •***: 50 pull w/ free kick; 50 pull w/ fly kick; 50 2K/1P; 50 2P/1K 100-300 Swim, choice. “Perfect” stroke. Cool-Down (200) Easy 200 pull
  • Wednesday, Feb 8 Warm-Up (1100) 200 Swim 300 50 Kick/50 Swim (with fins) 200 Backstroke (50 kick on back / 50 “L” drill with 3 strokes / 50 chg 3 with 3/ 50 swim 100 Butterfly (2 x 25 K with board / 2 x 25 K underwater as far as you can / 50 K 6 underwater-fast-then swim fly rest / 50 fly swim or butter-flutter) ~fins off~ 100 *** (25 Pull with fly kick- 1 kick per pull / 25 pull, no kick / 50 swim or 25 br/25 fr) 200 Swim (75 choice/25 non-free) Main (1600) 100 Free with paddles (50 3R-3L / 50 swim) 200 Swim free, broken at the 100 to check time. Keep steady pace. 300 (50 count strokes / 50 almost c.u. ) x 3 400 Pull 300 Swim free, broken at the 100s to check time. Steady pace. 200 (50 drill/50 kick) x 2, choice 100 IM swim (substitute: one arm drill of given stroke or br pull w/ fly kick) Cool-Down (100) 4 x 25 “Perfect” stroke
  • Friday, Feb 10 Warm-Up (800) 300 Swim, choice 500 10 x 50(#1,4,7,10 swim free and check time. It is interesting how you get faster as you get warmed up. Others are choice: drill/swim, pull, whatever). Main (1600-2000) 800 (4 x 200) #1 and 3 – pull, #2 and 4 – swim 400 (4 x 100) #1,3 pull; #2,4 swim 400 (8 x 50) Odds drill/swim; evens swim – quality 400 Swim. Stop each 100 to check time. Cool-Down (100-200) (4-8) x 25 Think about stroke technique
  • Monday, Feb 13 Warm-Up (1000) 100-200 swim free 100 (4 x 25 almost c.u., “ride the glide”) 100 (2 x 50, count strokes) 100 (4 x 25 backstroke), exaggerate the roll, deep pull 200 swim (75 free/25 back) x 2 200-300 Kick (fins ok), choice Main (1600) 300 Pull 300 Swim 200 Pull 200 Swim 100 Pull 100 Swim 400 (2 x 200 long and strong); same stroke or combination Cool-Down (100) 25 Dog Paddle 25 modified dog paddle (human stroke, underwater recovery) 25 head out (Tarzan or water polo stroke) 25 swim
  • Monday, Feb 13, Yard Pool The Rec Center where we practice has scheduled a class at the same time as the workout. For the first 30 minutes, we will have only 3 lanes. For the last 30 min we will have the usual 5 lanes. Warm-Up (1000-1200) 400 (8 x 50) #1-4 free, #5 non-free, #6-8 choice. Go when 3rd person touches. 200 (8 x 25) #1-2 free catch-up, #3-4 almost c.u., #5-8 choice. Go on 3rd touch. 4 x 100 Pull. 100-200 (4-8 x 25 drills) Main (1000-1600) 800-1200 (100 D/S by 25; 100 Pull; 100 D/S by 25; 100 Swim) x (2-3) 200-400 (1-2) x 200 Swim, choice Cool-Down (100) 25 dog paddle (pull is out in front) 25 human stroke (pull back but recover underwater 25 Tarzan or Water Polo stroke 25 Swim
  • Wednesday, Feb 15 This workout is a modified version of one from Susan Ingraham from MOST. Warm-Up (1100) 200 free 300 pull 200 free 250 (5 x 50) Kick; #1-2 on side, #3-5 with board or on back; 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 2:00 150 (2 x 75) 25 rt only / 25 lft only /25 3 rt-3 lft; use hips when switching sides; 1:20, 1:30; 1:45, 2:00 Main (1500) Do the following twice (900): 50 (2 x 25) 80% effort, “perfect” stroke 100 (2 x 50) build to strong pace, holding stroke 300 (3 x 100) choice, descending. Set a goal for last 100. 400-600 (4-6) x 100 Pull. 1:45, 1:55, 2:05, 2:15, 2:50 Cool Down - (100-200) (4-8) x 25 Odds are count; evens are easy
  • Friday, Feb 17 Warm-Up (900) Freestyle: 200 Swim 200 Pull 200 Drill/Swim by 25 (fins ok) Choice: 100 Swim 100 Pull 100 Drill/Swim by 25 (fins ok) Main (1500) 900 3 x (6 x 50). 1st set free - think about 200 or 400 pace 2nd set choice - think about 200 pace 3rd set free - think about distance pace OR choice – think of it as 2 (3 x 50) 200 Pull, recovery and think about the correct stroke 200 D/S by 25, choice 200 Kick Cool-Down (300) 100 Swim with fins 100 Swim with fins and paddles 100 Swim, no toys
  • Monday, Feb 20 Warm-Up (1000) *Stay together w/in lane. Leave each time when 3rd person touches. 100 swim free 100 (25 catch-up / 25 swim free) 100 swim free 100 (25 change 6 with 3 / 25 swim), back or free 100 swim back or free 100 (25 3R-3L / 25 swim), back, free, or fly 100 swim back, free or fly 100 (25 *** pull with fly kick / 25 swim br) 100 swim *** (or free) 100 (2 x 25 fly with underwater recovery); 2 x 25 fly Main (600-1500) *Set interval for 20-30 sec rest for free. Non-free should then be able to make the interval. 1 x 100 choice 2 x 100 choice 3 x 100 free, choice, free *Change interval here for 15 sec rest. 4 x 100 free 5 x 100 free Cool-Down (100-500) (2-10) x 50. Odd drill/swim. Even swim choice.
  • Wednesday, Feb 22 Warm-Up (1000) 200 swim free 100 free drill (25K on side/25K on other side/25 chg 6/25 chg 3 with 3 100 swim free, use hips 100 swim choice 100 drill, same stroke (25 kick/50 drill/25 swim) 100 swim, same stroke 300 pull Main (1000-1200) 200-300 swim free (Stop each 100 to check time. Try to keep same pace) 150-200 (4 x 50 free, same pace or descend OR 3 x 50 non-free, same pace or descend) Set interval for 15 sec rest) ~Rest extra 30 sec~ 150-200 Repeat 50s as above ~Rest again~ 150-200 Repeat 50s one more time ~Rest~ 200-300 swim free. Compare times for each 100 from earlier swim. Cool-Down (200-400) 200-400 Easy Pull Easy swim, if time.
  • Friday, Feb 24 Warm-Up (1200) 300 Swim (75 free/25 non-free) 300 Pull (100 easy with paddles/100 build without paddles/100 fast with paddles). Just stop to deal with paddles. 300 Kick ; fins ok. (Drill if unable to kick.) 100 Swim free with fins on. 100 Swim choice with fins. 100 Swim choice (IM or modified IM-sub free) Main1 (1200) 400 Swim (2 x 50, 1 x 100 all the same stroke) x 2. Can chg strk for second set. Interval for 15 sec rest on 50s. Rest 30 after 100 before 2nd set. 400 Pull (2 x 100, 1 x 200). Set interval for 15 sec rest on 100s. 400 (4 x 25 count strokes, 4 x 25 Kick, fins ok; 4 x 25 drill; 4 x 25 sprint) Main2 (400) 400 2 x 200; hold pace; can pull one. Cool-Down (100-200) 100-200 Easy swim