Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Wednesday, Jan 11, Yard Pool We just started back with the evening workouts this week. The pool was closed for about 3 months for major renovations. Monday’s workout was the same as the morning. This one is an adaptation of one from the morning group last week. Warm-Up (1000) 300 Swim, choice 100 2 x 25 + 1 x 50 Free with 2-3 count glide Fins ok 100 2 x 50 Kick fly or free) with board 100 2 x 50 Kick back 100 free as 4 x 25 (chg 6/chg 6 with 3/chg 3/chg 3 w/ 3) 100 back same as above 100 swim (50 back/50 free) with fins Fins off 100 swim back or free or any combination Main (1400) Establish pace and hold that pace. 400 (2 x 200); first one is choice, second one is free. Long and strong. 600 (6 x 100 – 2 swim/2 pull/2 swim) 400 (2 x 200; first one swim, second one pull) Cool-Down (100-500) (2-10) x 50 (25 build/25 easy), choice
  • Friday, January 13, Meter Pool Warm-Up (900) 300 Swim. 75 free/25 choice 200 Pull 100 Kick, choice. Fins ok. 300 Drill/Swim by 25. 1st 100: chg 6 and chg 6 with 3; 2nd 100 chg 3 and chg 3 with 3; 3rd 100: catch-up Fins off. Main (1500) 8 x 50 Swim. #1-4 choice; #5-8 free On 1:00, :50; 1:10, 1:00; 1:20, 1:05; 1:20, 1:05 or 1:10; 1:55, 1:45 8 x 100 Swim. #1-6 Free; #7-8 choice. Work on steady pace for free. 1:35, 1:50, 2:00 or 2:05, 2:10, 2:50 4 x 75 25 Free/25 Non-free/25 Free on 1:20, 1:40, 1:45, 1:50, 2:05 Cool-Down (100-300) 200 Pull 100 Swim
  • Wednesday, Jan 18, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1200) 600 (200 Swim/200 Pull/ 200 Swim) 300 Kick (Alternate 50 back/50 free or fly with brd) OR 200 breaststroke kick 300 (100 Swim, choice / 200 Pull) Main (1500) Broken 1500. Rest 20 sec after each part. Keep lane together. 11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4 (Total of 60 lengths) If time, finish 3-2-1 (150) Cool-Down (as time permits) 5 x 50 easy, choice
  • Friday, Jan 20, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1200) 500 (200 Swim / 50 catch-up / 100 swim / 50 almost c.u. /100 swim) ~Stop. Get lane organized.~ 300 as 3 x 100 Pull. Descend. 200 as 8 x 25, choice, count strokes 200 (25 kick/25 swim), choice Main (1500) 4 x 50 Drill (2 chg 6 with 3 / 2 catch-up). Go when 3rd person finishes. 6 x 50 Drill / Swim (#1 25 rt only. #2 25 left only. #3 3 rt/3 lft.) x 2. Go on 3rd touch. 8 x 50 Swim. Interval for 10-15 rest. Free. 12 x 50 choice. (3 descend/1 easy). Add 5-10 to free interval above. Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim, count strokes by 25.
  • Monday, January 23 Warm-Up (1000) 300 as 4 x 75 (#1 swim free; #2 50 free/25 catch-up; #3 25 free/50 catch-up; #4 catch-up 100 free, almost catch-up 400 as 8 x 50 fins ok for 1st 4. #1 back kick; #2 chg 6 back; #3 *** pull with fly kick; #4 *** pull with free kick; fins off for rest; #5 chg 3 with 3 back; #6 back swim; #7 *** kick (or kick facing wall); #8 *** swim with glide 200 as 4 x 50 (25 back/25 free or 25 ***/25 free) Main (1400) 400 Swim, get time 4 x 25 non-free, :40, :45, :50, 1:00 300 Pull 4 x 25 non-free 200 Swim (1/2 400 time -10) 4 x 25 non-free 100 Swim, good effort, choice 4 x 25 non-free Cool-Down (100-400) 200 as 50 Kick/50 Swim, choice 200 Pull
  • Wednesday, Jan 25 Warm-Up (900) 200 free swim 200 free pull 100 free kick with board 100 fly kick (4 x 25: #1 on stomach, no brd; #2 same as #1 or on back; #3-4 with brd) 100 (4 x 25 fly “chest down, butt up”; #1-2 with fins; #3-4 fins optional; can “butter-flutter”) Fins off 200 swim 50 choice/50 free Main (1800) 200 choice (all one stroke), long and strong 200 free count strokes on each 25 200 pull 200 moderate pace, free 200 recovery, choice, mix it up 200 good effort, all one stroke or IM 600 12 x 50. #1-4 drill/swim, choice; #5-8 (#5, #7 fast, #6, #8 easy, choice); #9-12 free, even pace Cool-Down (200) Easy 100-200
  • Friday, Jan 27, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1000) Lanes 4-7 300 as 75 free/25 non-free 300 as 25K/25D/25S Fins ok 400 Pull as 2 x 200. Rest 15 seconds Main (1500) Lanes 4-7 5 x 100 transition from warm-up to faster swimming. 1:45, 1:55, 2:05, 2:20 4 x 100 on 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:15 3 x 100 on 1:30, 1:45, 1:55, 2:10 2 x 100 on 1:25, 1:40, 1:50, 2:05 1 x 100 fast Lane 8: Warm-up (550) 200 as 75 free/25 non-free 150 as 25K/25D/25S Fins ok 200 as Pull Main (600) Lane 8 and anyone who wants to go non-free on 100s 3 x 100 on 3:00 2 x 100 on 2:50 1 x 100 fast 8 x 50 Odds are fast; evens are easy on 2:00 Cool-Down (100-500) 10 x 50 #1-3 Drill/Swim; #4-8 (Back, free or fly) one arm 1/2 way, swim rest or each 25; #9-10 Easy swim
  • Monday, January 30, Meter Pool Warm-Up (900-1100) 100 Swim Free 100 Free Drill/Swim by 25. Choose drills: catch-up, chg 6 with 3, 3R-3L. 100 Pull Free 100 Back Drill/Swim by 25. Drill is chg 6 with 3. Get on your side and anchor hand. 100 Back Swim 100 Pull. Back or Free or mix it up. (3-5) x 100 Swim Free. Descend as you get warmed up. 1:40, 1:55, 2:05, 2:15, 2:40. Main (900-1300) •500 as 10 x 50 #1-2 easy choice; #3-5 IM switch fly/bk, bk/br, br/fr. Sub 1-arm 3R-3L; #6 easy; #7-10 odds fast, evens easy. Go for 200 pace. 1:00 or 1:05, 1:10, 1:15, 1:20, 1:55 •800 Lanes 4-6: 5 x 100 Free. Hold a steady pace. 1:35, 1:50 or 1:55, 2:05 6 x 50: #1 easy, #2 fast, #3 easy, #4-5 fast, #6 easy •400 Lanes 7-8: 8 x 50. Odds fast, evens easy. Cool-Down (100-500) 200 (4 x 50 drill/swim) 300 Pull
  • Wednesday, Feb 1 Warm-Up (900-1100) 100-200 Swim 50 (2 x 25 count strokes) 100-200 Pull 50 (2 x 25 count strokes) 300 Free swim. Just stop to change gear. #1 Swim with paddles; #2 Swim with paddles and fins; #3 Swim with fins 300 Choice, as above. Main (1000-1500) •300 as 12 x 25 (odds fast, use blocks); evens easy. Start in 4, 6, 7. Swim back in 5, 8. •Lanes 4-6 600 as 3 x 200 Pull. Hold pace. 300 as 3 x 100 Swim. Descend. 150 as 3 x 50 Swim, fast. 150 as 6 x 25 as above. •Lanes 7-8 300 as 3 x 100 Pull. All free or 50 stroke/50 free. 200 as 2 x 100 Swim, same stroke. 100 as 2 x 50 same stroke, descend. 100 as 4 x 25 as above. Cool-Down (200) 100 count strokes 100 long and strong
  • Friday, Feb 3 Warm-Up (1200) 200-300 (25 swim/25 catch-up) 100-300 Swim (100 free/100 choice/100 free) 300 (12 x 25) #1-2 Pull with paddles, count strokes; #3-4 Pull w/o paddles, count; #5-8 Pull as fast as you can w/o paddles; #9-12 back or free, 1-arm ½ way, swim rest 100 IM drill, fins ok. Fly, back, free – 3 rt, 3 lft. *** – br pull with fly or free kick 100-200 Swim choice Main (1300) 3 x 100 (#1, #3 free, #2 choice) on 1:40, 1:50, 2:00, 2:15, 2:45. Add 10 for #2. 8 x 50 (#1-3, one stroke, descend; #4 anything, easy) x 2 on :55, 1:05, 1:15, 1:30, 1:55 1 x 200 Pull free, long and strong 2 x 100, choice, on 2:00, 2:10, 2:20, 2:30, 2:50 4 x 50 same as above Optional: all out 25s Cool-Down (100-300) (50 k / 50 s) x 3. Fins ok.