Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Wednesday, Dec 7 Warm-Up (600-800) 200-300 Swim (75 free/25 non) 200 (25 drill/25 swim). Catch-up - chg 3 with 3 – 3rt/3lft – glide 3 200-300 (2-3) x 100 descend on 1:50, 2:00, 2:10, 2:20, 3:00. Main (1200-1600) (24-32) x 50 •#1-8 (or 1-6 for Ln 8): Same stroke, try for even pace. It will take to about #3 to hit pace. On: :50 or :55, :1:00, 1:05 or 1:10, 1:15 or 1:20, 1:45 or 1:50 ~Take time to reorganize and get equipment, not more than 1:30~ •#9-16 (8) or 7-12 (6): Pull. Same interval. ~Take a minute to get order correct~ •#17-20 (4) or 13-15 (3): Swim non-free or faster pace for free On: :55, 1:05, 1:15, 1:20, 2:10 •#21-24 (4) or #16-18 (3). Aerobic pace for recovery •#25-28 (4) or #19-21 (3). Kick on 1:10, 1:20, 1:50. You choose interval after 1st. •Last 4 or last 3. Swim free at pace of 1st 8. Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim Total 2700
  • Friday, December 9 This is from one of the online workouts by Scott Hoftiezer Warm Up (600) 200 Swim 200 Kick 200 Pull Set 1 (400) 2 x 200 Free - Rest :20 First 150 moderate, last 50 fast. Set 2 (900) Set can be all free or for added fun, do 2 x 100 IM and 100 Free three times through. 9 x 100 - Rest :15 Set 3 (600) 4 x 150 Pull - Smooth and steady - Rest :15 Cool Down (200) 200 Easy Total Workout: 2700
  • Monday, Dec 12 Warm-Up (800) 200 Swim 600 as 12 x 50; rest 10 3 d/s; 1 free swim for pace; 3 k/s; 1 free pace; 3 count; 1 choice Main (1600) 400 as 16 x 25 on :35, :40, :45, :55 400 as 8 x 50 on :50, 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 1:50. Do in groups of 4. 400 as 4 x 100; 2 are choice on 1:50, 2:10, 2:20, 2:30, 3:00; 2 are free on 1:35, 1:55, 2:05, 2:15, 2:45 400 as 2 x 200 Pull. Descend. Rest 30-60. 400 Get your time. Relaxed, but not slow. Cool-Down (300) 100 IM drill 200 IM as d/s. Sub free as needed Total 2700
  • Friday, Dec 16 I had jury duty on Wednesday and had a substitute coach. Warm-Up (1000) 350 100 free swim/25 butter-flutter (swim fly as far as you can, then switch to free)/ 25 free/25 back/25 free/25 ***/25 free/100 free ~Fins ok~ 200 IM as 25 kick/25 drill. 3 right/3 left drill for fly, back, free. 2 kicks with 1 pull for *** 300 25K/25D/25S ~Fins off~ 150 Free. 50 catch-up/100 swim Main (1300) 300 Free. Stop each 100 to check time. Descend. 200 Choice. Stop at the 100 to check time. Descend or even split. 100 Choice, moderate. Check time. Very Important to know your time. Contest… 100 Swim. I will give you a range so that you don’t go too slow. Tell me your time when you finish; don’t look at clock or watch. Person who is the closest, wins a prize. I’ll time. 12 x 50 Do as 3 x (4 x 50). Descend 1-3, 4 is recovery. On interval for 15 sec rest. Cool-Down (200) Easy 200 Total 2500
  • Monday, Dec 19 Warm-Up (300-500) 100-200 swim, choice 100-200 (50 chg 3/50 swim/50 chg 3 with 3/50 swim) or 25 of each 100 Kick with kickboard. Fly, free or *** Main (1600-2000) 100 25 3rt/3lft – 25 swim, choice 200 50 catch-up/50 swim 300 50 kick/50 swim, choice 400 pull; stop at 200 to get time (fastest lanes). Others 200 pull, 200 swim. 400 swim (fastest lanes only), stop at 200 to get time. Compare to pull. 300 50 drill/50 swim, choice 200 swim, choice 100 swim, choice Cool-Down (100-400) 100-400 (2-8) x 50 choice on interval for 15 sec rest Total 2900
  • Wednesday, Dec 21 Our pool will be closed on Friday so this is the last workout before Christmas. I could not get the graphics to show up when I copied the workout. On the twelfth day of Christmas your true love (aka coach) gave to you … 12 Drummers Drumming. 12 lengths or (300) Free for warm-up. 11 Pipers Piping. 11 x 50 (550) 3 – pull, no paddles 2 – pull (25 left only/25 right only) with paddles 4 – drill/swim, choice 2 – swim, choice 10 Lords a Leaping. 10 x 25 Swim. Rest 10-15 sec (250) ~Fins off after #2 #1-2 *** #7-8 Free #3-4 Back #9-10 Choice #5-6 Fly or Butter-flutter 9 Ladies Waiting. Fins ok. 9 x 50 continuous (50 k/50 d/50s) x 3 (450) 8 Maids a Milking. 8 x 25 (200) 8 x 25 on :35, :40, :45, :45, :55 Choice. #1-2 descend, #3 easy, #4-5 descend, #6 easy, #7-8 descend 7 Swans a Swimming. Fins on. 7 x 50 Kick on 1:00, 1:10, 1:20, 2:00 (350) 6 Geese a Laying. 6 lengths (150) easy swim, choice. 5 Golden Rings. 5 x 50 Quality. On :55, 1:05, 1:15, 1:20, 1:45 (250) 4 Calling Birds. 1 x 100 Good effort. 3 French Hens. 150 (50 free/50 non/50 free). 2 Turtle Doves. 50 free almost catch-up. And a Partridge in a Pear Tree. 1 x 50 choice, “perfect stroke.” Total: 2850
  • I didn't coach from Dec 21 until Jan 4. The pool was closed for extended holidays. When it was open, I was out of town. Wednesday, Jan 4 After some breaks in our practice schedule, I decided to do a yardage workout today. The workout is divided into 4 x 1000 meter sets. Each 1000 set is a 400,300,200,100. Each lane worked their way through. The fastest lane actually got in 4000 in an hour. The next 2 lanes got in 3000. The other two were 2400 (they called themselves the “disabled lane”; one was swimming with a cast) and 2000 for the 80+ year olds. FIRST TIME 400 Swim 300 Drill/Swim (50 catch-up/50 swim) 200 Swim (3/4 catch-up) 100 Swim, choice SECOND TIME 400 Pull 300 Swim with “toys.” Continuous, just stop to change equipment. 100 swim with fins; 100 swim w/ fins and paddles; 100 swim with paddles 200 Swim, choice 100 Count strokes on each 25, choice. THIRD TIME 400 Drill/Swim. Fins are okay. 50 change 6/50 swim; 50 change 3 with 3 strokes/50 swim; 50 change 3/50 swim; 50 change 3 with 3 strokes/50 swim. “Change 6” is to kick 6 kicks on your side, then change to the other side. “Change 6 with 3 strokes” is to kick 6 kicks on your side, them take 3 arm strokes as you change to the other side. “Change 3” follows the same pattern with 3 kicks on each side. 300 as 50 Kick/50 Swim 200 Pull 100 Swim, glide 2 (emphasize a long glide) FOURTH TIME 400 Pull/Swim; alternate 100 pull (no paddles) and 100 swim. 300 Stop after each 100 just long enough to get your time; descend each 100. 200 25 drill/25 swim, choice 100 Swim, choice
  • Friday, Jan 6 Warm-Up (1000) 300 Swim, choice 100 2 x 25 + 1 x 50 Free with 2-3 count glide Fins ok 100 2 x 50 Kick (25 fly/25 free) with board 100 2 x 50 Kick back Fins off 100 2 x 25 + 1 x 50 *** kick 50 2 x 25 swim *** with noodle under armpits; can hold head up; thinking about pull only 50 2 x 25 underwater pull-out (streamline 3; pull with dolphin Kick, glide 2; kick to surface) 50 2x 25 *** w/ pull-out; 2-3 count glide; try dive with extension and glide 150 3 x 50 (25 back/25 ***) Main (1400) Establish pace and hold that pace. 400 (2 x 200); first one is choice, second one is free. Long and strong. 600 (6 x 100 – 2 swim/2 pull/2 swim) 400 (2 x 200; first one swim, second one pull) Cool-Down (100-500) (2-10) x 50 (25 build/25 easy), choice
  • Monday, Jan 9 Warm-Up (700-1000) 100-300 Swim 100 50 catch-up/50 swim 100 swim with 2 count glide (glide 2) 100 almost catch-up 200 8 x 25 count strokes, choice, rest 5-10 100- 200 free, back or fly; (4 rt-4 lft / 25 swim / 25 3 rt-3-3 lft-3 / 25 swim) x 2 Main (1400-1800) 1200 12 x 100 on interval for 15-20 sec rest. 3 swim/1 pull; 2 swim/2 pull; 1 swim/3 pull 200-600 (4-12) x 50 choice on interval for 10 sec rest.
  • Wednesday, Jan 11 Warm Up (400-800) 300 Swim . 200 as 50 drill/50 swim, choice, fins ok 300 as (100 pull/50 swim) x 2) Main (1550, 2000, 2500) 700 Count strokes: 4 x 25 rest 10, 4 x 50 rest 15; 4 x 100 rest 20 600 2 x 100 free; 1 x 100 non-free or Kick; 2 x 100 free; 1 x 100 non-free or Kick Interval for free for 15 sec rest. Add 15 for non-free. LANE 4 (Fastest lane) ONLY: 500 Continuous, moderate pace. 200 swim choice / 100 pull free / 200 swim free Everybody: 400 8 x 50 on interval for 15 sec rest for non-free. Descend 1-3, 4 easy; descend 5-7, 8 easy 300 Pull. 100 w/o paddles, 100 with paddles, 100 choice Cool-Down (300) 200 Swim. Choice. Think about a good stroke. 100 On each 25, kick about 1/3 of the way, then swim the rest.