Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Monday, Sept 27, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1200) 400 Swim 2 x 200 Pull. First 200 is easy; pick up the pace on 2nd 200. Rest 20. Get lane together. 200-250 Kick (100 *** or 150 free w/ brd; 100 choice) 200 Drill/Swim by 25s Main (1100) 200 Swim, moderate, get time 2 x 200 Swim, compare times 100 Swim, moderate, get time 2 x 100 Swim, compare times 50 Swim, moderate, get time 2 x 50 Swim, compare times 50 easy, recovery Cool-Down (100-400) (2-8) x 50, choice. Do last 2 easy Those going to meet in Utah: WU: 200 Swim free, 200 Swim choice (mix it up), 4 x 50 drill/swim (rest 10-15) Main: 6 x 50 on 2:00. Sprint 12 ½ , easy to wall and ½ way back, sprint last 12 ½ . Do at least one of each stroke you are doing in the meet. Let me know when you finish 50s. 3-4 practice starts. 25s from the blocks. Work on getting into the stroke. CD: Easy 75
  • Monday, Sept 27, Yard Pool Warm-Up (900-1100) 200-300 Swim 200-300 Pull ~Fins ok~ 200 Drill (2 x 50 Chg 6 with 3 strokes; 2 x 50 Chg 3 with 3 strokes) 100 Chg 2 (swim with exaggerated roll) 100 Drill Backstroke (1 x 50 chg 6 w/3; 1 x 50 chg 3 w/ 3) 100 Swim Backstroke (2 x 50 with exaggerated roll) Main (1400) Quotes are from Coach Kerry O'Brien 4 x 50 glide 2 (“ride the glide”) 2 x 100 same 1 x 200 same 2 x 50 “extend and bend”; elbow up; don’t forget the glide 1 x 100 same 4 x 50 ride the glide, extend and bend, rock and roll 2 x 100 same 1 x 200 same Cool-Down (200) 8 x 25 (4 at good pace, think about stroke; 4 easy; IM?) Easy swim, if time
  • Wednesday, Sept 29, Meter Pool Warm-Up (600-800) 200-300 Swim 200-300 Pull 200 (50 Kick/50 Drill) x 2 Main (1500) Lanes 4-6: 30 x 50, steady pace. Intervals: Ln 4 on :55; Ln 5 on 1:05; Ln 6 on 1:10. Use clock to keep track. Lane 7: 30 x 50 as (4 x 40 free, 2 x 50 non-free) x 5 on 1:15 and 1:20 Cool Down (200-500) 100-300 Pull 100-200 Swim Those going to meet in Utah: WU: 300 Swim, mix it up; 3 x 100 as 25 drill/25 swim, rest 15 sec after each 100; Main: 8 x 25 Kick; 8 x 25 Pull; 8 x 25 Swim (build). Go on last touch. CD: Easy 100, choice
  • Wednesday, Sept 29, Yard Pool Warm-Up (1100) 300 5 min swim, choice 200 Free swim 200 Kick 200 Drill/Swim by 25 200 Pull Main (1600) 200 Swim, free; get your time 200 D/S by 25 (recovery) 200 Swim, choice 200 Pull 200 Swim free; get time 200 Drill or Kick or combination 200 Pull 200 Swim or Pull Cool-Down (100-300) (2-6) x 50
  • Friday, Oct 1, Meter Pool Warm-Up (900-1200) 300-400 Swim, choice 200-300 Pull (75 free/25 back) ~Get lane together~ (8-10) x 50 (2 d/s, 2 k, 2 k/s, 2 -4 swim) Main (950) 4 x 25 Concentrate on getting good push-off, streamline, starting the stroke. 2 x 50 for time. #1 build first 25, #2 all out 100 Easy 2 x 25 3 x 50 #1 long and strong on 1st 25, #2 build eash 25, #3 all out 100 easy 2 x 25 2 x 50 2 x 100 #1 easy 1st 50, #2 easy 1st 25 100 easy Cool-Down Easy swim Note: Did not get to last group with 100s in hour workout.
  • Monday, Oct 4, Meter Pool Warm-Up (600) 300 Swim 300 25K/25D/25S Main (1400-1700) 500 as 5 x 100 Pull, gradually build effort and speed. This is a transition set from WU to Main. Intervals: 1:45, 1:55, 2:05, 2:15, 3:00 400 as 8 x 50 (descend 1-3, 4 easy) x 2. Descend are same stroke. Easy is choice. Intervals: 1:00, 1:05, 1:15, 1:20, 1:45 300 (100 ***/100 back/100 free). Continuous, recovery. Can do 3 x 100 IM, 300 IM (75 or each stroke, or 75 free/25 non-free 200 as 2x 50, 1 x 100 Swim. Fast. Choice. Interval for 50s: 2:00 (everyone) 200-300 Easy swim, choice (if time). Cool-Down (100-300) 100-200 as 25 Kick/25 Swim 4 x 25 Count strokes, choice
  • No evening workouts the next 2 weeks. Yard pool is closed to have new underwater lights installed.
  • Wednesday, Oct 6, 2010 Warm-Up (1000) 200 Swim 100 Pull 4 x 100 (#1 chg 6 w/ 3; #2 75 3R-3-3L/25 swim; #3 50 glide 3/50 swim; #4 25 fist/75 swim) ~Everyone together ~ 4 x 25 Kick 4 x 50 Kick Main (1200-1600) 2 x (200 Swim, 200 Pull). Fastest lane did 4 x 200. Others did 3 x 200 or 2 x 200. 3 x 100 Swim 3 x 100 Pull 8 x 25 (2 x 25 Pull; 2 x 25 Swim) x 2 on :40, :45, :50, :55 Cool-Down (200) 4 x 50 easy, choice
  • Friday, Oct 8, Meter Pool This turned out to be a great workout. At first the swimmers groaned, but they ended up feeling good about their workout. As we got near the end, I cut some parts for slower lanes. Warm-Up (800) 300 Swim 200 Pull 100 Drill 100-200 Swim Main (1500) 4 x 50 descending interval. Ln 4: 1:00, :55, :50, :45; Ln 5: 1:05, 1:00, :55, :50; Ln 6: 1:10, 1:05, 1:00, :55; Ln 7: 1:15, 1:10, 1:05, 1:00; Ln 8: 1:50, 1:45, 1:40, 1:35 1 x 100 easy 4 x 50 descending interval. Start 5 sec faster. L4: :55; L5:1:00; L6: 1:05; L7: 1:10; L8: 1:45 2 x 100 descending interval. L4: 1:30, 1:25; L5: 1:45, 1:40; L6: 2:00, 1:55 L7: 2:15, 2:10; L8: 2:50, 2:45 Rest 1-2 min. 2 x 100 descending interval. Start 5 sec faster. L4: 1:25, L5: 1:40, L6: 1:55, L7: 2:10, L8: 2:45 3 x 100 descending interval. Decide together on starting interval. 3 x 50 descending interval. 1 x 50 easy 1 x 100 fast Cool-Down (300) 100 easy swim Easy 100-200 pull
  • Monday, Oct 11, Meter Pool This workout went well. They liked doing the 2nd round in the Main Set with fins. I reminded them they should KICK and go faster. Some went back and kept the same interval. Sculling went better than last time - body position was better. A few still have no feel for the water and can't tell when their hands are angled correctly. Warm-Up (800-1300) 200-300 Swim 200-400 Pull (2-4) x 100 Pull 200-300 Kick 200-300 D/S by 50 Main (1300) 4 x 50 2 x 100 1 x 200 Repeat above with fins! Sculling 2 x 25, on back, feet first, hands at side (can use buoy) 2 x 25, on back, head first (can use buoy) Cool-Down (200) Easy 100-200