Betsy's 1 Hr Workouts

Introduction. I coach 3 mornings a week at a 25 meter pool with an average of 25 swimmers in 5 lanes. I coach 2 evenings a week at a 25 yard pool with an average of 12-14 swimmers in 5 lanes. Both workouts are for one hour. They are mixed groups with competitive swimmers, triathletes, and people who just want a good workout. Ages range from 20 to 87, with an occassional teen-ager dropping in. My emphasis is on techinique and pace. I swim 3 days a week with a coach at a Y pool. I use some sets that I learn from my coach, Laura Peter. I also write a workout for myself for Saturday mornings. The workouts that I coach are 2500-2800 meters for the fastest lane, scaled down for other lanes. In the yard pool, they are 2700-3000 yards for the fastest lanes. For my personal workouts, I aim for 2500 yards and try to boost it to 2700 in the fall.
  • Wednesday, Oct 13, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1000) 200-300 Swim 300 (25K/25D/25S) 100 Swim, choice, with fins ~Get lane together~ 4 x 50 Kick on 1:10, 1:20. Decide interval after 1st 50K. 100 Kick ~Fins Off~ 100 Swim (at least 25 should be breaststroke) ►Main (1600) for Lanes 4-6 400 Swim. Do open turn on each 100 to check time/pace. 400 (50 one arm/50 swim; 50 3R-3L/50 swim; 50 3R-3-3L/50 swim; 100 swim) 300 Pull (150 with paddles/150 with no paddles) 300 Swim. Do open turn on each 100 to check time/pace. 4 x 50 Descend 1-3, #4 easy ►Main (800) for Lanes 7-8 200 Swim. Do open turn at 100 to check time/pace. 200 (25 one arm, switch ½ way/25 swim; 25 3R-3L/25 swim; 25 3R-3-3L/25 swim; 50 swim) 200 Pull (100 with paddles/100 w/o paddles). 4 x 50 Descend 1-3, #4 easy Cool-Down (100) 4 x 25 choice, count strokes.
  • Friday, Oct 15, Meter Pool Warm-Up (700-900) 100 Swim free 200 Pull free 100 Kick free 100 Back (25 chg 6 with 3; 25 swim) 100 Kick fly (50 with brd, 50 on back) 100 IM (butter/flutter, back, ***, free) 200 Pull Main (1500) 4 x 100 on 1:35, 1:50, 2:05, 2:15; Ln 8: 1 x 100. Time yourself. 100 Kick 100 Pull 3 x 100 on 1:30, 1:45, 2:00, 2:10, 2:50 200 D/S by 25 2 x 100 on 1:25, 1:40, 1:55, 2:05 100 Swim, choice, easy 1 x 100 Time yourself. Cool-Down (150-300) 150-300 as 25K/25D/25S
  • Monday, Oct 18, Meter Pool The drill set for freestyle worked out very well. The catch is getting better. Warm-Up (800-1200) 200-400 Swim (6-10) x D/S. #1-2 One arm w/ other arm extended. #3-4 One arm w/ opp breathe. #5 catch-up. #6 Finger tip drag, #7 Chg 6. #8 Chg 3. #9-10 Choice. 200 Pull 100 Swim Main Freestyle (600-800) 4 x 25 (1) Swim down center line. Arms outside the line. (2) Long glide. (3) Elbow up for catch. (4) Oomph at the beginning of the stroke. 2 x 50 Practice above. 4 x 25 Swim down center line. Use your hips. 2 x 50 Practice above. (2-4) x 100. Moderate speed. Think!!! 1:40 or 1:45, 1:50-1:55, 2:05, 2:15, 2:45. Backstroke (350) Fins okay 4 x 25. Kick 12 times on back, arms extended. Swim rest of way with narrow kick, body pos. 4 x 25 Chg 6 (2), Chg 3(2). Keep kick narrow. 2 x 50 Swim. Always get on side w/ deep pull. Fins off 2 x 25 back swim 300 Swim. Free, back or combo. Cool-Down 4 x 50, choice
  • Monday, October 18, Yard Pool Warm-Up (900-1100) 200-300 Swim 200-300 Pull ~Fins on~ 8 x 50 (1) K on rt/swim (2) K on lft/swim (3) K on bk/swim (4) Swim/get brd, K fr (5) K fr with brd/swim (6) K fr or fly with brd/swim (7) K/ swim (8) Chg 6/swim ~Fins off~ 100 Swim Main (1300-1600) 100 as 4 x 25 (1) Swim down center line, don't cross line with hands. (2) Extend and glide. (3) Elbow up, catch. (4) Omph at the beginning of the stroke. 100 as 2 x 50 Free, practice above 200-400 as (2-4) x 100 on 1:30, 1:40, … 500 as 10 x 50 Odds are 25 non-free/25 free or 25 drill/25 free. Evens are free. 100 Pull, easy 200 as 3 x 50 on 1:30. Fast. 1 x 50 easy. 100 Pull or Swim, easy. Cool-Down (100-300) Easy swim
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 13 years ago
    Thanks for sharing, I'm 62 and only 2 of us in a 25 yd pool. Other guy is 50 and faster. Dumb question; how can I enlarge your w/o's on my printer so I don't have to carry my glasses to the w/o ?
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 13 years ago
    Thanks for sharing, I'm 62 and only 2 of us in a 25 yd pool. Other guy is 50 and faster. Dumb question; how can I enlarge your w/o's on my printer so I don't have to carry my glasses to the w/o ? Could you post your codes that are not as common to us novices;i.e. K on rt/swim..does that mean kick a length on the right side ? What's butter/flutter . can you elaborate about flutter w/hands by sides on the back ? Thanks again....
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 13 years ago
    :banana:Thanks for sharing, I'm 62 and only 2 of us in a 25 yd pool. Other guy is 50 and faster. Dumb question; how can I enlarge your w/o's on my printer so I don't have to carry my glasses to the w/o ? Could you post your codes that are not as common to us novices;i.e. K on rt/swim..does that mean kick a length on the right side ? What's butter/flutter . can you elaborate about flutter w/hands by sides on the back ? Thanks again....
  • Thanks for the questions. 1. "Butter/flutter" is a term I learned from Coach Emmitt Hines. On the push-off, swim fly for at least 3 strokes or as long as it feels good, then switch to free. It encourages swimmers to at least try some fly. Years ago I read that Coach Hines got his swimmers to swim a 200 fly but starting out with butter/flutter and gradually increasing the amount of fly per length. 2. Drill explanations: a. Change 6 (sometimes called 6 kick switch). Kick 6 times on your side, change to the other side for 6 kicks. Change 3 is 3 kicks on each side. b. Change 6 with 3. This is the 6 kicks on your side, 3 arm pulls (1 1/2 strokes) as you turn, then 6 kicks on the other side. c. Catch-up. This is to hold your hand on the surface of the water (freestyle) until the other hand comes around and touches it. This drill encourages you to glide and to lengthen your stroke. d. One arm - hold one arm extended, stroke with the other arm. Be sure that you roll back with stroke so you are not always on your side. e. 3R-3L means 3 right arm only (as above), 3 left arm only. f. 3R-3-3L means 3 right arm only, 3 strokes, 3 left arm only. g. One arm opposite breathe. On this one, you keep one arm at your side, stroke with the other arm and breathe on the side where you are not stroking. If you have your left arm at your side, stroke with the right arm, and breathe on the left. This forces you to roll. Any other explanations needed?
  • More explanation... If I have "50 drill/swim" that means 25 drill and 25 swim. So I might write: 5 x 50 (3RT/3Lft, swim). That would be 25 3 strokes right arm, 3 strokes left arm and 25 swim. Let me know what else needs explaining.
  • Wednesday, Oct 20, Meter Pool Warm-Up (1200) 100 Swim 100 Pull 100 Kick 100 D/S by 25 200 Swim 200 Pull 200 Kick 200 D/S by 25 Main (700 or 900?) 2 x 100 Swim on 3:00. (Lane 8, 1 x 100). Give me your time for 100 free. 6 x 25 on :40, :45, :50. (Lane 8, 4 x 25 on 1:00) 100 each as 400 Free Relay. 50 easy 50 each as 200 Medley Relay. 50 easy 50 each as 200 Free Relay. 50 easy Cool-Down (Very important after sprinting!) Easy 100-300