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I am in desperate need of some training/workout suggestions to prepare for my first triathlon in two months. The swim portion of this race is .4 miles. While I am no stranger to the water, having swam competitively from age 11 through high school, I have not really been in a pool since. Please Help! I have two days per week to train in a pool, but I don't have any idea how I should be training!!
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    Former Member
    Hi Kim, I was hoping for a reply from you, and have waited to reply back until I at least did somewhat of an open swim! My first was last week in a local lake after several day of 80 degree temps (a rare thing around these parts of PNW). My time constraints allowed for only aboaut 10-15 minutes in the lake, and I have plans to get in for longer next week. It is indeed quite different from swimming in a pool, and though I was never afraid, I developed some anxiety around being able to swim 1/2 mile in open water, with lots of others bounding about, the ability to search out the course bouys, and "running" out of the water to the transition area!!! Oh what a learning experience this is:p I remaing excited about participating in my first triathlon, and though I do not feel totally "ready", I will. as the book says, be doing my personal best! Then I will have a baseline to compare to future tris (did I say that?) Thanks for writing Kim -- I need all the encouragement and tips I can garner. Nancy
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    Hi Nancy, I'm really glad you got in a lake swim. Even if that's the only one you do, it will help, though I do recommend you try to get a little more open water time. Did you try the website? Here's another one that might be helpful also. This one is very step by step, so you might be able to match up the timing to where you are now. Keep plugging away at your training (don't overtrain!) and on race day, as Matt suggests, just relax and enjoy each moment. You will be very pleased and proud when you finish! (plus you get to eat whatever you want -- traditional reward!) Keep us posted! Kim
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    Hi Kim, How great for you to have noted the date of my triathlon!!! I have my checklist right here next to me and am in the midst of packing to leave tomorrow morning for the Sunday event! I am a little nervous, but mostly excited about doing a triathlon:eek: With more time I would have trained harder, but feel I have put in as much as I could with the time I had available. I do so appreciate all of your help and the help and words of ecouragement from others on this list. I will post a report of my efforts next week.:cool: Thanks again, Nancy
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    Former Member
    To Nancy: GOOD LUCK this weekend! Do you have your checklist filled out? I wish you good weather, flat water and tailwinds! And I hope you have a great time! To Lauren: Seems like you might have done your race by now. How did it go? Regards, Kim
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    Former Member
    I DID IT!!!! And it was great! As everyone warned, I am now "hooked" and starting to think of when I can do another triathlon. All went extremely well for me. I did remain in a clump of swimmers in the middle of the course and had to tread water a couple of times just to get free of them, but still was enjoying myself and the fact that I was actually doing this! Matt, i followed your "rules" for enjoying the experience and they helped more than you know! The bike leg was my strength, and the run my weakest link. Now I will take my time to "practice" all three of the sports to pre-prepare fo a future event. I am pleased (tickled actually) with myself, and again thank you Kim, and Matt, and several other individuals for your help, and this entire list for posting all the great information here. Swimmingly, Nancy :) :p :D
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    I forgot to mention this -- I can't remember who suggested it, but I did buy a pair of prescriptin goggles, and they made a huge difference for me. I felt very confident when I could actually see the buoys, and the other swimmers near me -- where they were looking, swimming to, and how I needed to react (if at all). Just seeing the surroundings with more than a blurr was a great help to me. Having a wet suit also added a touch of confidence:) Now if I can just learn to run more than a shuffle, I may just get good at this! Nancy
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    Way to go, Nancy! Congratulations on your successful effort! I'm glad you had a good experience. You may be feeling a bit of a let down (post-event-what now?-syndrome). The cure is to find another event to put on your calendar. It needn't be a multisport, there may be some masters swim events (open water, pool meets) in your area to choose from. Since it sounds like running is your weak link, you could look for some 5k races to enter. Those are usually pretty fun and often benefit a good cause. Congrats again! Kim