Continuous Easy(?) Swimming Sessions

Former Member
Former Member
As I peruse the workouts that some of you do, and as I prepare for my first ever 3000m swim (12 March), I had to wonder how many forumites do subject swims on a regular basis. I put a question mark beside the word "easy", because perhaps such swimming could be tempo/strong pace sometimes, vice recovery pace. (Maybe such swims are done but are not worthy to be recorded as "workouts"?) Thoughts?
  • I often tell myself (and my wife) that I'll do an "easy recovery swim" once a week, but it never happens. I've heard of the benefits of these. But even before COVID shortening workouts, the (time) costs associated with getting to the pool make it really hard to not work hard once I get there. So a recovery day for me usually means I'll go for a nice 30-minute walk around the neighborhood. Even if I were to do a recovery swim I don't think I'd go for continuous yards. It would probably end up being a lot of drill work at a really easy pace, on intervals that give plenty of rest. I'll do a Davis Mile* or a standard Hackett set+ sometimes. * 11 laps, rest 10 seconds, 10 laps, rest 10 seconds, 9 laps, rest 10 seconds...........1 lap. Total 66 laps with 100 seconds of rest. + 4*(50*(3@distance pace, 1@faster) - on interval giving 5-10 seconds rest) 4*(50*2 and 1, add 5 seconds to interval) 4*(50*1 and 1, add another 5) 4*50 at faster pace with another 5 seconds Those aren't really "easy" sets, but they are more distance oriented. The Hackett is often written as mile and 500 pace, but I have been trying to push it to do it at 500 and 200 pace. Certainly not sprinting. Davis Mile is 1650 yards, Hackett set is 2000. I do a 1000 yard warm up before each one, and sometimes a 400 yard UDK set, as well. So total distance is still on the order of 3000 yards, but main set is distance focused.
  • I often tell myself (and my wife) that I'll do an "easy recovery swim" once a week, but it never happens. I've heard of the benefits of these. But even before COVID shortening workouts, the (time) costs associated with getting to the pool make it really hard to not work hard once I get there. So a recovery day for me usually means I'll go for a nice 30-minute walk around the neighborhood. Even if I were to do a recovery swim I don't think I'd go for continuous yards. It would probably end up being a lot of drill work at a really easy pace, on intervals that give plenty of rest. I'll do a Davis Mile* or a standard Hackett set+ sometimes. * 11 laps, rest 10 seconds, 10 laps, rest 10 seconds, 9 laps, rest 10 seconds...........1 lap. Total 66 laps with 100 seconds of rest. + 4*(50*(3@distance pace, 1@faster) - on interval giving 5-10 seconds rest) 4*(50*2 and 1, add 5 seconds to interval) 4*(50*1 and 1, add another 5) 4*50 at faster pace with another 5 seconds Those aren't really "easy" sets, but they are more distance oriented. The Hackett is often written as mile and 500 pace, but I have been trying to push it to do it at 500 and 200 pace. Certainly not sprinting. Davis Mile is 1650 yards, Hackett set is 2000. I do a 1000 yard warm up before each one, and sometimes a 400 yard UDK set, as well. So total distance is still on the order of 3000 yards, but main set is distance focused.
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