Spring Nationals postponed to July 21 -25, 2021

I just found this new postponed date for the Spring S C Nationals. I hope that enough shots are given that this can take place.
  • - Stay tuned. Announcements on SCY Nationals are coming in the next few days. 

  • Well at this point I have decided to swim in IOWA for the Senior Olympics meet they have that is on for sure!!!

  • They announced in the event section of the forums it was on and registration begins tomorrow. Too late for me, I’m doing Senior Games instead too. 

  • i would like to know if the same session group always goes in the morning?  or will it go morning, afternoon, morning or how?

    how can i purchase plane tickets if i dont have a clue when i may end on sunday?

    why are we needing to pick a 6th event to drop?  thats only used if there are 1800+ people in the meet and there is already a limit of 500 per session ie 1000...this meet will go faster than most masters meets.  you will be begging for more rest time.

  •   Yes, the sessions will be in the same order each day. Per USMS rules, the meet will be oldest to youngest (both by session and within sessions). For example, sessions could be 55+ first, 40-54 second, 18-39 third for Friday-Sunday, though the exact age groups in each session will be determined based on the entries received. 

    With the postponed dates and other programming at the facility also being rescheduled, we do have time limits to consider. Currently, we have been given 6am - 4pm windows to schedule the meet each day. However, we only drop the 6th event if necessary and we will avoid that scenario if at all possible. 

    During this unusual year this is still subject to change and we will confirm all details as we get closer to the meet. 

  •  The Rules Committee discussed this, and it has now been decided that dates for SCY Top Ten will not be changing for the 2020-21 season. So Short Course Nationals (July 21-25) will be in the 2021-22 season along with 2022 Spring Nationals. 

  • to Jay Eckert and all.....

    it is profoundly unfair to have the oldest age groups swim early every day at nationals. why in the world would you not rotate the starts by the age groupings to give each group a chance to swim at their preferred times? rather than relying on some rule in the rule books that has nothing to do with covid protocols why do you not create new policy based on fairness to all? that would be consistent with changing the order of events each year. 

    age groupers have been adjusting to covid for 12 months with staggered start times by age group. to say that you do not want the schedule to be confusing to a group of adult swimmers is patronizing and obviously prejudiced against one group of swimmers. 

    this ill-founded strategy needs to be corrected now and the proposed start times for all groups need to be clearly communicated to all swimmers well in advance of the meet. 

  • I can't find the notification for this. I agree about the unfairness. If one is from the West Coast then an 8:00 event is like 5:00.

    Not great to do that every day, but by the last day you are pretty used to it.

  • Unfortunately changing something like this involves suspending the legislation/rules which requires involvement of the BOD, legislation and rules committees.  There are a *ton* of rules and regs that are already in discussion to be suspended or modified to fit in this meet and the long course meet in October, I'm not sure if this particular one was overlooked or what, but at this point it might be too late to go through the process for it.

  • jeff

    it is profoundly unfair. please rise above bureaucracy and change the policy to help people who train their asses off all year in order to compete in the national championships. I  want this changed for SC and LC championships. 

    thank you

    Trip Strauss. Little Rock Masters