Are your pools open or closed

Our pools were open mid-August until the surge in mid-November. They were only opened then thanks to lobbying by swim coaches and swimmers. Closed now and my local pool says it will not open before 1/1/21 at the earliest. What is happening where you are?
  • Well, where I live, I'm happy to do whatever they ask in order to swim 5-6x per week!! Our rules are not arduous. I agree. In some ways its better than before. There are only a handful of pools open in the Seattle area, but I'll take it. Typically you reserve a one hour slot and they allow two per lane (starting from opposite ends of the pool). Reservations book up quickly, so you need to know when they open at each pool if you want to swim regularly.
  • Well, where I live, I'm happy to do whatever they ask in order to swim 5-6x per week!! Our rules are not arduous. I agree. In some ways its better than before. There are only a handful of pools open in the Seattle area, but I'll take it. Typically you reserve a one hour slot and they allow two per lane (starting from opposite ends of the pool). Reservations book up quickly, so you need to know when they open at each pool if you want to swim regularly.
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