Video Recording Your Swimming

Do any of you keep a swim video journal? If so, has it helped you work towards or achieve your goals in swimming? I am just beginning to record my swim events in the weeks leading up to meets so that I'm not just looking at or tracking times, but also, form and technique. I've personally found videotaping makes weak and strong points in your swimming fairly obvious, whereas numeric or coaching feedback, while effective for other reasons, is not as strong at helping you visualize or correct form/technique. For those of you with experience of recording your swims, what do you recommend in terms of camera angles, how often you record or analyze your videos, how you store or organize your videos if you have a lot of them starting to accumulate, etc. This thread is also a good place if anyone wants to talk about using video analysis (ex. training videos on YouTube, or videos of swimmers racing or performing proper technique) to improve your swims.
  • So I bought a $60 little GoPro knockoff, 170 degree camera angle, comes with all manner of mounts, a remote and a waterproof case. $20 64GB MicroSD card gives like 6 hours of 1080p which is overkill but whatevs. Stuck one of the helmet mounts on a leftover bathroom tile and that assembly sits nice and level anywhere on the deck or the bottom of the pool (besides the slope of course). Going to see if I can get any of the mounts to work on a broomstick or something and then I will even have a moving underwater camera. Now all I need is someone to man the broomstick and a coach to review the video with me!
  • So I bought a $60 little GoPro knockoff, 170 degree camera angle, comes with all manner of mounts, a remote and a waterproof case. $20 64GB MicroSD card gives like 6 hours of 1080p which is overkill but whatevs. Stuck one of the helmet mounts on a leftover bathroom tile and that assembly sits nice and level anywhere on the deck or the bottom of the pool (besides the slope of course). Going to see if I can get any of the mounts to work on a broomstick or something and then I will even have a moving underwater camera. Now all I need is someone to man the broomstick and a coach to review the video with me!
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