Elbow Pain

I have recently resumed heavy training mileage in anticipation of some long distance swims this summer. I have moderate shoulder pain but the real problem I am having is pain associated with my elbow. I breathe to my left and the pain is with the right elbow. Does anyone have experience with that same type of pain. Any recommendations on dryland exercises?
  • Possible medial epicondylitis from repetitive flexion and pronation during freestyle pull. Other than bands that displace the effective insertion site of tendon, motrin, rest, I don't know of anything else. Stewart Carrol in Texas had surgery but don't know how it affected him or if he would recommend.
  • Possible medial epicondylitis from repetitive flexion and pronation during freestyle pull. Other than bands that displace the effective insertion site of tendon, motrin, rest, I don't know of anything else. Stewart Carrol in Texas had surgery but don't know how it affected him or if he would recommend.
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