Chaffing - what product to use

Former Member
Former Member
Hello all, I raced the St Croix coral reef swim a few weeks ago and used some body glide around where I though I might chafe. I didn't consider my actual armpits. WOOF, that hurt putting on deodorant after the race. What products are using for chaffing control in the salt water? bodyglide seems okay but I have a few longer swims planned for next year (7 and 12 miles) thx
  • While we're on the topic of products to use to combat chaffing...I wonder if anyone can comment on how/if Desitin works against jellyfish larvae (aka Sea Lice)? For the past few years I've been doing a majority of my open water swimming from a beach in upper Narragansett Bay (actually in what's called the Sakonnet River on the east side of Aquidneck Island) just a few blocks from my house. It's salt water, but it's a few miles from the open ocean. Consequently, jellyfish hatch there and in the spring and early summer I've fallen victim to attacks from the larvae several times. It isn't "painful"...just a nuisance that results in an itchy rash sort of thing. They're tiny, so small you can't see them in the water. And actually I can't really feel their sting...until the next day when it itches like crazy. Hydrocortisone helps relieve the itch. But I'm looking for something that might combat the sting altogether. Mostly where they get trapped in your hairline and armpits, under swimsuit bands, pubic hair, etc. Sometimes on open skin. Can anyone say if Desitin prevents the sting of these little bastards, or recommend something that does? Dan
  • While we're on the topic of products to use to combat chaffing...I wonder if anyone can comment on how/if Desitin works against jellyfish larvae (aka Sea Lice)? For the past few years I've been doing a majority of my open water swimming from a beach in upper Narragansett Bay (actually in what's called the Sakonnet River on the east side of Aquidneck Island) just a few blocks from my house. It's salt water, but it's a few miles from the open ocean. Consequently, jellyfish hatch there and in the spring and early summer I've fallen victim to attacks from the larvae several times. It isn't "painful"...just a nuisance that results in an itchy rash sort of thing. They're tiny, so small you can't see them in the water. And actually I can't really feel their sting...until the next day when it itches like crazy. Hydrocortisone helps relieve the itch. But I'm looking for something that might combat the sting altogether. Mostly where they get trapped in your hairline and armpits, under swimsuit bands, pubic hair, etc. Sometimes on open skin. Can anyone say if Desitin prevents the sting of these little bastards, or recommend something that does? Dan
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