Hello all. Believe I am traveling to Arizona (Tuscon area) third week of July (22nd). Am interested in seeing if I can find an open water event to go along with my Cubs game that week. Any help on where to look up swims for area, etc would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
6 races this year but no races in July http://www.azopenwater.com/. Last year they had one in August and it nearly killed me. Water temp in July/Aug is around 90 and air temp can be about 114 and racing in it will cause one to die like a pig or at the very least, see visions. State meet http://www.azlmsc.org/ is supposed to be the week before if you want some pool swimming interspersed with sweating like a pig waiting for your next event...Cubs and July open water in AZ?...you really are a glutton for punishment...
6 races this year but no races in July http://www.azopenwater.com/. Last year they had one in August and it nearly killed me. Water temp in July/Aug is around 90 and air temp can be about 114 and racing in it will cause one to die like a pig or at the very least, see visions. State meet http://www.azlmsc.org/ is supposed to be the week before if you want some pool swimming interspersed with sweating like a pig waiting for your next event...Cubs and July open water in AZ?...you really are a glutton for punishment...