Thanks stupid people and lawyers...

It appears Las Vegas 10K registration delayed because new policies and $1000-1800 dollar fees to cover insurance...look for open water events to disappear.
  • Certainly, if anybody has the right to lawyer-up, it is the gentleman from Maui Channel Swim. While I would prefer the captain to be made penniless and attend the swimmer's natal cleft with a fresh wet nap 24/7 into eternity, that likely did not happen. On the flip-side an "attempt" to make one person "whole" with money has affected hundreds and possibly thousands of people. I kinda wish we would just put rubber bumpers on the entire world, discontinue Yaz and any other possibly life-saving/improving medications, and discontinue all life-saving/improving medical devices/treatments; possibly then an entire segment of the population could be forced to work for a living rather than suck off the hard work of others...
  • Certainly, if anybody has the right to lawyer-up, it is the gentleman from Maui Channel Swim. While I would prefer the captain to be made penniless and attend the swimmer's natal cleft with a fresh wet nap 24/7 into eternity, that likely did not happen. On the flip-side an "attempt" to make one person "whole" with money has affected hundreds and possibly thousands of people. I kinda wish we would just put rubber bumpers on the entire world, discontinue Yaz and any other possibly life-saving/improving medications, and discontinue all life-saving/improving medical devices/treatments; possibly then an entire segment of the population could be forced to work for a living rather than suck off the hard work of others...
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