Taper Tips for Saturday/Big Shoulders?

Former Member
Former Member
Hi! Big Shoulders is only 4 days away! :banana: All swimmers who lurk/post here--see ya Saturday morning, bright 'n' early, Ohio St. Beach, Chicago! :applaud: And GOOD LUCK!! :cheerleader: All you experienced OW swimmers/racers: Do you have any tips for tapering/working out this week? I've been putting in 3,000-3200 yard workouts, with a few 2100 yarders thrown in, with a little running and bike riding on days when the pool was closed. I had a 2600 yard workout this morning. Any tips for how to plan the rest of the week? I was thinking of putting in two more swim workouts, tomorrow/Wed., 2000 yards and Friday, 1600 yards. I thought of having a short (5K-ish) run Thursday morning, and a short bike ride Wed. evening. I'll be traveling to Chicago Friday afternoon, checking into the hotel and chillling Friday night (with maybe a burger 'n' fries at Ed Dibevic's ). Too much? Not enough? Just right? Thanks!
  • Unless you've got a tri planned soon after BS and don't want to lose your bike/run fitness, I'd drop the planned bike and run this week. I'm racing a 1 mile and a 3 mile swim on Sunday out west (www.ljrws.com) and have been averaging about 3,750 SCY per workout over the last 5 or so weeks. Here's what I'll do this week: Tuesday - day off Wednesday -- ~4K or so (same effort as always) Thursday -- ~4K (same effort as always) Friday -- ~3K (more rest & recovery Saturday -- Play around and swim maybe 2/3 of a mile in the ocean Sunday -- race day YMMV
  • Unless you've got a tri planned soon after BS and don't want to lose your bike/run fitness, I'd drop the planned bike and run this week. I'm racing a 1 mile and a 3 mile swim on Sunday out west (www.ljrws.com) and have been averaging about 3,750 SCY per workout over the last 5 or so weeks. Here's what I'll do this week: Tuesday - day off Wednesday -- ~4K or so (same effort as always) Thursday -- ~4K (same effort as always) Friday -- ~3K (more rest & recovery Saturday -- Play around and swim maybe 2/3 of a mile in the ocean Sunday -- race day YMMV
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