Have a 10K swim Aug. 19. I've been doing 4-5K twice a week in the pool for a few weeks, and the last four weeks have gone 3, 4, 5, and 4 (no wetsuit) miles in the ocean. I am confident I can finish based on today's fitness (and it's a surf exit/entry every 1.2 miles format).
Going to be away on vacation the remaining 3 weekends, near a warm (78 degree) ocean, so no issues having access to OW swimming, although nutrition might be different from my current 65 degree temps.....
Other than last weekend where I took a gel on the 4 miler, I have not been taking any nutrition or fresh water and max swim has been 2:15.
For the OW distances, advice as to what distances to swim the next three weekends, and how to alter training for the temps?
Excellent. Seems as if the long ocean swims at the end of your training were exactly what you needed both for endurance and for confidence in the conditions.
Excellent. Seems as if the long ocean swims at the end of your training were exactly what you needed both for endurance and for confidence in the conditions.