Have a 10K swim Aug. 19. I've been doing 4-5K twice a week in the pool for a few weeks, and the last four weeks have gone 3, 4, 5, and 4 (no wetsuit) miles in the ocean. I am confident I can finish based on today's fitness (and it's a surf exit/entry every 1.2 miles format).
Going to be away on vacation the remaining 3 weekends, near a warm (78 degree) ocean, so no issues having access to OW swimming, although nutrition might be different from my current 65 degree temps.....
Other than last weekend where I took a gel on the 4 miler, I have not been taking any nutrition or fresh water and max swim has been 2:15.
For the OW distances, advice as to what distances to swim the next three weekends, and how to alter training for the temps?
I signed up for swim to the moon 10k August 19. I am not the expert. It seems the longer distances in practice produce a better swim. This year, I have not been over 7000 yet. I hope for 10400 tomorrow. One coach especially emphasizes stroke technique. Speed sets can still be important for distance training. We want to practice nutrition. Aren't we just supposed to have fun. I wish you the best. :cane:
Actually, really well. Ditched the wetsuit for the last 3-4 weeks of training, but wore it in the race. Kinda wish I hadn't, but oh well. The long swims really helped with pacing.
Race report is here beginnertriathlete.com/.../thread-view.asp
But thumbnail sketch, total distance on my garmin was actually 6.81 miles, total time was 2:56. Format was designed as 1.2 mile legs, 2 point to point then three loops. Bad navigation on my part and long course on their part led to the overage.
Compared to last year's 4.8 miler at the same event:
2011 - 4.8 miles - 2:16 - 28:22/mile pace - 1:37/100 (likely a bit faster as it was prob. long too)
2012 - 6.81 miles - 2:56 - 28:25/mile pace - 1:28/100
10K split was 2:39, so was happy with that.
Excellent. Seems as if the long ocean swims at the end of your training were exactly what you needed both for endurance and for confidence in the conditions.