nausea during & after swim

I am a 61 yr old lap swimmer. about a yr ago I started to get nausea after about 48 lengths. I feel seasick. I have had my cardilogist check me out. Over the last 3 months I stopped swimming and exercising due to high blood pressure. The dr. changed my meds and I am now normal at 120/70 with a pulse of 52 beats. I am obese, 279#and 66" tall. Now that I've been deemed healthy I have returned to the pool with a swim team. I now am getting seasick again and losing my lunch shortly thereafter. I have tried swimming only until the nausea starts and getting out but I get ill. I've been keeping hydrated. Does any one have an idea what to try to get past the nausea feeling? Thanks
  • Have you perhaps considered that the nausea center is not in the heart, but in the brain? There are two or three reasons why nausea occurs: when you figure out what this is, you can then attack that problem and get rid of the nausea. One thing may be an imbalance in your middle ear. We have three tiny little bones in our middle ears that sometimes get off kilter, and can cause extreme dizziness and nausea, and sometimes they just cause nausea. Your neurologist can help correct this by teaching you balance techniques, and perhaps even doing what is called an "Eply Maneuver" to help right these tiny bones back into place. Another problem may be sensory. You may actually inhaling something in the pool area that activates your brains nausea center. You may not realize it as an unpleasant odor, or even smell it at all, but it may be there. Also, you may not be eating enough prior to your swim, and your blood sugar may be dipping so low as to cause nausea -- this is a delicate rope to walk, as you don't want to eat so much as to make yourself sick, or get a stitch in your side, but you also don't want to starve yourself so much so that you are sick (nauseous) from hunger. These are only a few possible causes of nausea - you might want to consider consulting a neurologist though. Never be afraid of consulting the experts!!
  • Have you perhaps considered that the nausea center is not in the heart, but in the brain? There are two or three reasons why nausea occurs: when you figure out what this is, you can then attack that problem and get rid of the nausea. One thing may be an imbalance in your middle ear. We have three tiny little bones in our middle ears that sometimes get off kilter, and can cause extreme dizziness and nausea, and sometimes they just cause nausea. Your neurologist can help correct this by teaching you balance techniques, and perhaps even doing what is called an "Eply Maneuver" to help right these tiny bones back into place. Another problem may be sensory. You may actually inhaling something in the pool area that activates your brains nausea center. You may not realize it as an unpleasant odor, or even smell it at all, but it may be there. Also, you may not be eating enough prior to your swim, and your blood sugar may be dipping so low as to cause nausea -- this is a delicate rope to walk, as you don't want to eat so much as to make yourself sick, or get a stitch in your side, but you also don't want to starve yourself so much so that you are sick (nauseous) from hunger. These are only a few possible causes of nausea - you might want to consider consulting a neurologist though. Never be afraid of consulting the experts!!
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