Pool chemical allergy - can anyone please help???

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Former Member
I moved to a community in July that has an indoor pool. Great! I can do water aerobics and enjoy the pool. But I started getting hives and rashes in August. By September 1 I was covered with sores from digging my skin all hours of the day and night. I was told it was dry skin (Having moved from NH to New Mexico) It got worse in spite of all the creams and lotions. I was even put on steroids. That helped - but within two days of stopping them the itch and rash returned. The doctor said it can't be the pool - the pool I use has bromine instead of chlorine - very unusual to be allergic to that. Saw an allergist - nope, can't be the pool. Saw a dermatologist - nope, not the pool. I have all kinds of OTC pills and creams, prescription for creams and pills. Skin clears, I go in the pool for an hour and within 12 hours I want to rip my skin off, in spite of heavy duty anti histimines and all the lotions and creams. Anyone have any suggestions????
  • The doctor said it can't be the pool - the pool I use has bromine instead of chlorine - very unusual to be allergic to that. Perhaps anecdotal, but I've heard that fewer people react to bromine, but the reactions tend to be worse than reactions to chlorine.
  • The doctor said it can't be the pool - the pool I use has bromine instead of chlorine - very unusual to be allergic to that. Perhaps anecdotal, but I've heard that fewer people react to bromine, but the reactions tend to be worse than reactions to chlorine.
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