Pool chemical allergy - can anyone please help???

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Former Member
I moved to a community in July that has an indoor pool. Great! I can do water aerobics and enjoy the pool. But I started getting hives and rashes in August. By September 1 I was covered with sores from digging my skin all hours of the day and night. I was told it was dry skin (Having moved from NH to New Mexico) It got worse in spite of all the creams and lotions. I was even put on steroids. That helped - but within two days of stopping them the itch and rash returned. The doctor said it can't be the pool - the pool I use has bromine instead of chlorine - very unusual to be allergic to that. Saw an allergist - nope, can't be the pool. Saw a dermatologist - nope, not the pool. I have all kinds of OTC pills and creams, prescription for creams and pills. Skin clears, I go in the pool for an hour and within 12 hours I want to rip my skin off, in spite of heavy duty anti histimines and all the lotions and creams. Anyone have any suggestions????
  • The doctor said it can't be the pool - the pool I use has bromine instead of chlorine - very unusual to be allergic to that. Perhaps anecdotal, but I've heard that fewer people react to bromine, but the reactions tend to be worse than reactions to chlorine.
  • Last year I had a problem with major itching on my forearms. I swim in one pool twice a week that uses Chlorine, and 3 days in a pool that uses Bromine. Recently I've been using this product - Derma Swim Pro lotion before I get into the water: www.swimoutlet.com/.../5003.htm Then after I swim I use this body wash: www.swimoutlet.com/.../3787.htm Since I've been using both of them I no longer am scratching constantly.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    You could be allergic to Bromine. My pool is a saltwater pool and uses Bromine. Unfortunately, they will treat the pool and not tell anyone...they just do a dump and hope that it mixes on its' own. After those day, my skin will itch, burn, peel, and dry out and my eyes will pretty much swell shut and burn like the unholy fires of H#LL!!! I almost had to go to the ER one time, because the chemical burn was so severe, my parents didn't even recognize my face! Personally, I would rather have chlorine than bromine, but I'm sure everyone is different.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    respectfully, professionals telling you that a pool cannot pose allergy problems are wrong. also, the issue may not be chlorine or bromine. there is more in pool water than simply water and one these chemicals. will be difficult to track down. caution: skin issues are one thing, but if you find the allergy extends to asthma-like issues, take care.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    I had asked a similar question when I first started to swim in a bromine- treated pool, as I had a very sore patch on my skin. One of the suggestions was to use aquaphor, which creates a barrier on the skin. It has worked very well...
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 14 years ago
    Thanks for the answers and suggestions. When I went to see the allergist I took a complete listing of all pool chemicals (the person in my gated community gave me the full list) and I took a bottle of the pool water with me. The doctor didn't think it was the issue. But I KNOW that if I don't go in the pool my skin is ok. I go in and within 12 hours my skin itches. Luckily, no breathing issues, although at the beginning there was concern that the rash (covering my whole body so they put me on the steroids) would cause a breathing issue. I will buy some of the DermaSwim. I've bought an anti-chlorine body gel for washing but that hasn't helped. I've put Aquaphor on after I've showered off. I need to get back in the water for exercise. Thank you all for all suggestions. I do very much appreciate your help. Glo
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    Thanks for the answers and suggestions. When I went to see the allergist I took a complete listing of all pool chemicals (the person in my gated community gave me the full list) and I took a bottle of the pool water with me. The doctor didn't think it was the issue. But I KNOW that if I don't go in the pool my skin is ok. I go in and within 12 hours my skin itches. Luckily, no breathing issues, although at the beginning there was concern that the rash (covering my whole body so they put me on the steroids) would cause a breathing issue. I will buy some of the DermaSwim. I've bought an anti-chlorine body gel for washing but that hasn't helped. I've put Aquaphor on after I've showered off. I need to get back in the water for exercise. Thank you all for all suggestions. I do very much appreciate your help. Glo I was wondering if you have now found anything that helps? My son is a high school swimmer in Bromine treated pool and is suffering from patchy itchy red spots, especially his neck. His face gets a sunburned look with white only where his goggles were. Thanks for any input! Julie
  • I take Allegra and Pepcid on my bad days and always use swim spray. I moisturize with vanicreme. if it's bad I take zzz quil( same meds As Benadryl) but different formulation. i was diagnosised with contact dermatitis after a biopsy.
  • Former Member
    Former Member over 8 years ago
    Do you have a rash? Most common reaction is rash in underarm and groan. It could be an allergy to Bromate. That is the compound that forms when there is urine in the pool. Many people think hat if you smell "Chorine" it is that the pool has to much chemicals in it. But in reality it means there is too little chemicals. You are moer likely to be allergic to this compound than to the Bromine. More proteins.
  • What are the chances that it isn't the pool (water) causing the reaction at all? Perhaps there's something in the building. Toxic mold; recently painted with a paint you're allergic to; an automatic air freshener they use; cleaning solutions; hair/body wash they might provide in the showers; etc. It might be worth the time to just go sit in the place (without swimming) for an hour or so just to rule those things out (or in). Dan