Anyone out there know if any great earplugs that prevent swimmers ear? I have tried some for about 1 month and got double ear infections. I have been out of swimming for 2 weeks and really want to get back in the pool any ideas?
Former Member
the moldable ones kind of work. some water still gets in but it seems to be less than without. i only wore them for about a month two years ago until a mild infection cleared up, and regular use of the ear drops (and I suspect, switching from the rarely-cleaned pool I was in previously) has prevented any recurrence. the ear drops are the special kind for swimmers, isopropyl alcohol with glycerin. normal drugstore isopropyl alcohol is a lower concentration and doesn't work as well.
the moldable ones kind of work. some water still gets in but it seems to be less than without. i only wore them for about a month two years ago until a mild infection cleared up, and regular use of the ear drops (and I suspect, switching from the rarely-cleaned pool I was in previously) has prevented any recurrence. the ear drops are the special kind for swimmers, isopropyl alcohol with glycerin. normal drugstore isopropyl alcohol is a lower concentration and doesn't work as well.