
Former Member
Former Member
How many use the early vertical forearm method? How many believe it is less prone to shoulder injuries? I tried it for the first time today and it wore my butt out! I did feel like I had more surface area to pull with and the force felt more horizontally directed toward my feet. I have a lot of work to do if I continue to adopt this stroke method.:bolt: www.youtube.com/watch
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    EVF is several weeks along now and working without problems. Body is still adapting and different muscles developing which will probably take several more months. Still doing 2 lb dumbell weight training warmup before swim. Developing a good two beat kick to go along with it. It's incredible to be refining my swimming skills after so many years in the water! Racing the grandson 100yd FS this Friday! Georgio :bliss:
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    EVF is several weeks along now and working without problems. Body is still adapting and different muscles developing which will probably take several more months. Still doing 2 lb dumbell weight training warmup before swim. Developing a good two beat kick to go along with it. It's incredible to be refining my swimming skills after so many years in the water! Racing the grandson 100yd FS this Friday! Georgio :bliss:
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