
Former Member
Former Member
How many use the early vertical forearm method? How many believe it is less prone to shoulder injuries? I tried it for the first time today and it wore my butt out! I did feel like I had more surface area to pull with and the force felt more horizontally directed toward my feet. I have a lot of work to do if I continue to adopt this stroke method.:bolt: www.youtube.com/watch
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I started having shoulder and arm pain last May and had to take some time off. Since returning, I've been making a big effort to avoid the overuse problems. A big part of my strategy is adjusting my stroke. I've been working on my EVF. I believe that one of the main causes of my pain has been related to my position at entry, so EVF goes right along with that. It has taken me a while, but I'm starting to "get" it. For me the key word in EVF is EARLY. I have to focus on the word early, on getting that vertical forearm sooner! Anyway, it has been helping me a lot as far as avoiding pain as I work to get back into shape!!!!
  • Former Member
    Former Member
    I started having shoulder and arm pain last May and had to take some time off. Since returning, I've been making a big effort to avoid the overuse problems. A big part of my strategy is adjusting my stroke. I've been working on my EVF. I believe that one of the main causes of my pain has been related to my position at entry, so EVF goes right along with that. It has taken me a while, but I'm starting to "get" it. For me the key word in EVF is EARLY. I have to focus on the word early, on getting that vertical forearm sooner! Anyway, it has been helping me a lot as far as avoiding pain as I work to get back into shape!!!!
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