To prevent your goggles from fogging up do you....
Former Member
spit/lick the insides of them?
I've always wondered this amongst other swimmers. When I first started swimming one of my friends licked and/or spit (a little) in her goggles. I thought it was gross at first but I have long since adopted it since I came to found out it did work!
If you don't do this, what are your methods for keeping your goggles clear?
I use the "mfg name not to be named but they make an expensive technical suit that doesn't last very long" anti-fog spray. Works great.
Try to keep from rubbing the inside of the lenses with anything whatsoever if at all possible. The plastic (and factory applied anti-fog covering) scratches with the slightest touch no matter how "soft" it may seem to be, even cotton.
I use the "mfg name not to be named but they make an expensive technical suit that doesn't last very long" anti-fog spray. Works great.
I've used that and Kiefer's anti-fog solution. I've found the Kiefer stuff to work better.
First off, if you by "anti-fog" goggle (like my Vanquishers Metallic's) keep your fingers out of the insides. It will last much longer. Once it wears off I use the Speedo spray stuff and it works pretty good....through a whole practice or OW event.
First off, if you by "anti-fog" goggle (like my Vanquishers Metallic's) keep your fingers out of the insides. It will last much longer. Once it wears off I use the Speedo spray stuff and it works pretty good....through a whole practice or OW event.
Well I have the vanquishers + actually. It lasted for about 2 weeks but then I got careless and let them get in the water and did other stupid things.
My goggles go through a lot of beatings.